Chapter #14

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Savannah's POV

'Party people, WOOHOOO! All the windows down,'
My alarm is so stupid. Always wakes me up with a start.

'WOOHOOO! When I'm rolling through your town,'
Ahh yes I'm getting up, what the hell. I throw my blanket to the side but just then I notice something. No, wait, SOMEONE! Oh man! I was sleeping with Harry! Not "sleeping" sleeping but still sleeping.

'WOOHOOO! Saying yeah, yeah'
I jump up, grab my cell phone and switch the alarm off. It's 6:15 am. I had to get up early in the morning, did I not? I turn to look at Harry who is - thank you God - still sleeping. I slowly lift the tip of the blanket which is covering half of his face and throw it aside. After again confirming that he is asleep, I walk towards the washroom to take a shower. I honestly smell right now. I hope Harry didn't notice.

When I come out after having changed into fresh clothes and taken a quick shower, Harry's still sleeping which is totally normal. I mean, why in normal circumstances would he wakeup at 6:30 am? He could if he's an early riser. But well, it doesn't look like it and for that I'm thankful. I just remembered what happened last night and to be honest, I have no answer. I just don't! I mean, duh he's awesome and of course I like him but do I like him like him or do i just like him? That is something I don't know and am unable to figure out for now.

When I wear my sneakers, I hang my tiny casual bag over my shoulder and slowly tip-toe out of the room. I really don't wanna disturb Harry. It's not all about not facing him but really I wouldn't want to be woken up at this hour for no reason.

I close the door behind me as slowly as possible. When done, I finally turn around and walk. The corridor is not at all crowded. The only guy I see is a butler and that's all. I'm supposed to go to the lounge for breakfast so that is where I head.

In the lounge, it's only me, Paul, two more guys and Lou. I sit beside Lou at breakfast and get to know her better. Apparently, she is an early riser. She loves her job and has always wanted one like this and she is having the time of her life. I feel so good to be around someone who is genuinely happy with life. Seriously, the atmosphere feels light. No tension, nothing. Paul is here because of me. I'm supposed to go with him and Mark, who's name I just asked Lou.

When I'm done with breakfast, which is just now, I remember something. I haven't called Lolla! She'll kill me. I'm following Mark, Paul and two other guys on the way out of the hotel. We're going to the stadium which is scaring the hell out of me. I take out my cell phone from my pocket and call Lolla. I am not sure about the time difference and I don't even think about it before dialling her number. She picks up after a few beeps.

"So you finally remember that you have a friend back here, huh?"

Oh crap.

"Hey, lol I'm so sorry I couldn't call before. Yesterday was blur. I didn't uh remember.."

"But you were supposed to call me when you reach there, man! And all that happens after, you were supposed to tell me that! And why are you calling me at 2:00 pm? Aren't you supposed to be working?"

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