Chapter #2

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Harry stood there, still very stiff. He felt like he couldn't move.

How could she- how could she tell just by looking at my eyes, thought Harry as adrenaline rushed through him.
She didn't even freak out.

He paced forward. Fast. He needed to share this. He couldn't stop thinking about her. He surely wasn't in love or anything but the fact that the girl was so different from other girls won't stop buzzing inside his head. He was walking very fast. No, he was running. He felt so empty and filled up at the same time.

He took out his cell phone from his pocket and called the boys. He asked them to come over to his place.

"Just come. It's important," he said but didn't say anything else.

He reached his bungalow after about fifteen minutes. He wasn't very far from it anyway.

He was almost shivering as he sat in his living room waiting for the boys. It was like if the girl triggered something in him. His head throbbed. Not like with pain but just.... throbbed. He wanted to know her.
Then the bell rang.

He rushed to open the door and saw Liam and Niall standing there. He motioned for them to come in.

"What's up bro?," asked Niall as he walked up to the fridge.

"Yeah dude, what's going on? Everythong's alright, right?," asked Liam in anticipation.

Harry flushed. He felt like she took his ability to talk along with her. Eehh, that sounded weird. (Harry was romeo for a sec). But then, he just talked to them on his cellphone.

"There was this- she just, uh-," Harry started but the bell rang again and Zayn came in.

After he sat himself down he looked at the three. He waited for a moment, then held his hands in the air asking
"So?". He was obviously curious for Harry had called them in a rush.

"Let's wait for Louis. I don't think I can repeat the whole thing," blurted Harry. He bit down on his lip. Was he sweating? What the heck is happening to me? Am I nervous? But why? What the hell?, he thought. He felt nauseous, he just felt so weird.

Almost five minutes had passed before the bell rang again. At last after all five of them were there and seated, Harry told them what had just happened.

"So this girl knew that it was you and she actually didn't freak out and scream at the top of her lungs?"' Asked Niall, surprised and kidding at the same time. He just wanted to make the environment light. It was kinda tense. Weird.

"Well, that's new," said Zayn.

"What's her name?," asked Louis.

"I didn't ask. I-it was like," and Harry was choking, literally.

"Chick's got him," said Liam and at this, all of them - except Harry of course - started laughing.

"Guys, please." Harry obviously wasn't feeling comfortable.
He didn't know what he wanted or why he was telling them or what was happening or what he wanted to do or what he was even saying to the boys. The scene of the girl saying 'I'm actually really sorry, you know,' wasn't leaving his mind.
Then Zayn spoke

"Dude, we know and we get it. You like her. You can't contact her though."

"Hazza, she was Cinderella. She came, she left. Only you don't have her slipper or name. Ouch," said Niall and, at this, the boys bursted with laughter.

"I think I saw her card," said Harry ignoring Niall's joke. At this everybody quieted down a bit. Liam was still laughing.
Harry thought. Hard. She was wearing a card. It was hanging down from behind her neck. It said something like-- but Harry's thoughts were interrupted by himself when he, all of a sudden, said

"Chabrior. Her card read something Chabrior."

"So let's search her then.," said Louis as he took out his cell phone and searched 'Chabrior in London' on Bing. They all huddled aroung Louis. Leaning in to check out the links.

There were many links like 'Chabrior marketing' also like 'Hannah Chabrior hangs herself ..' And blah blah blah.

"Well, let's dig in," said Liam and Louis started opening the links one by one.

There were a lot of Chabrior people doing this and that and this and that but after about twenty minutes Louis opened a link that said 'Young interior designer Savannah Chabrior shocks seniors with sudden success and.. blah blah'.
There was a picture of her on the top of the web page. In it she stood in front of some interior designing company board.

"That's her! That's her!," shouted Harry.


Hey guys! Yayy another chapter!
- Wajiha

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