Chapter #3

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Savannah felt weird. Walking away from Harry Styles wasn't a comfortable walk. Not that it was painful and she wanted to go back and talk to him more or anything it was just weird. Bumping into him was werid. It was unusual and it was making her feel that way.

So I met Harry Styles. Geez I could have asked for a picture. Lolla would have gone crazy, she thought.

Since she wasn't anywhere near her apartment and her car was at the repair shop, she motioned for a taxi to stop. The taxi guy stopped right away cos well she was a pretty girl, wasn't she?

She definitely wanted to share this Harry incident with her best friend Lolla. So instead of going back to her place she told the taxi guy the way to Lolla's place.
Lolla lived alone. She was a junior in college but definitely more romantic and crazy about guys than Savannah.

Savannah was never crazy about One Direction or any of the boys. She was just an optimist who liked everybody and never thought negative of anyone. She wasn't that much into music or bands and she knew about one direction as Lolla was crazy about the band. Niall was Lolla's favourite btw.

When she paid off the taxi driver and he drove away, she walked up to her friend's doorstep and rang the bell. (Lolla didn't have a job or anything so she couldn't herself afford a medium-sized house but her parents were rich af.)

"Coming!," savannah heard her.
She opened the door with a surprised look on her face.

"Hey! I wasn't expecting you! Why didn't you call? Come in," said Lolla with a cheery smile.

"Hey guess what?", asked Lolla but answered herself before savannah could even speak.

"I made cupcakes! First time but they're awesomely, amazingly, astonishingly good and well, THAT I didn't expect," she said and savannah, in her mind, was like gal if that's unexpected, God knows how you're gonna take what I'm about to tell ya, with an amused look on her face.

"Woah man, that's a lot of As. What, you did good in that business test you were talking about the other day?", asked Savannah as she took a cupcake from the tray on the kitchen counter ( she took the tray too) and crashed the couch.
"Hey it's actually good. Well done, lass!", she complimented.

"I know, right? And yes Anna, (this was savannah's nickname, Lolla gave it to her) you're right. I got an A in my business test. Girl, you know me," smiled Lolla.

"So what's up? You have never come here straight after work. What changed? What's new?"

Savannah thought about it. I shouldn't make it sound dramatic, she thought. Lolla alone was good enough for that.

"Well I uh- bumped into Harry on my way home and I thought I should come here and tell you."

"Harry who?"

Lolla definitely wasn't going to think that savannah had bumped into Harry styles on her way home. Plus, who talks that casually about bumping into a celebrity? Well, it's savannah we're talking about, isn't it?

"Harry Styles," said savannah in a tone that said i-know-you-love-1D-don't-be-so-fricking-casual.

"Yeah, sure," said Lolla and rolled her eyes sarcastically.

"Lol, I'm not kidding. He was disguised or was at least trying to be. He was wearing a beanie the size of wrestler Big Daddy B and also a surgical mask. I would never have recognized him if I hadn't seen his eyes before. They're beautiful is what they are. You say so yourself," she explained.

Lolla was now squinting at her. Meanwhile Savannah took another cupcake from the tray.

Savannah had pranked her about meeting Niall once but she couldn't hide her smile that time. Right now, however, she was looking very serious.

"You're kidding, right?", asked Lolla, serious herself now.

"No, I'm not and I'm not gonna repeat it, okay? I bumped into him and then I saw that it was HIM and then I said sorry and came here. These cupcakes are fab btw."

"What, you bumped into him and didn't even take a picture?," cried Lolla.

"Yeah I didn't think about it at that point."

"But it' Harry. Hazza. Harry Styles. HARRY ONE EDWARD DIRECTION STYLES man !!!

"Look I already told you. I wasn't thinking sharp at that moment. Oh and I *drumroll* finished my fifth project!!!!

"Hey congratulations, lass. Where's the partaayyy?"

"Um tonight at my place. You can come early if you want to. I'm gonna need help cleaning up twice."


"Yeah, before and after the party," explained savannah and they both started laughing.


Hey guys! New chapter. I hope you guys like it.
Vote and comment please ♥♥
- Wajiha

Just Can't Let Her Go ( Harry Styles Fan-fic )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang