Chapter 29- Drinks And Oracle Readings Do Not Mix Well

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"I think I'll have the nectar wine...ooh no, actually I wanna have the fruit no, I've changed my mind I wanna have the ambrosia. Hey,why don't I get all 3 and live a lil, y'a know! A gal's gotta stay refreshed after such a long journey and boy am I completely wiped! I know it was only a plane journey but I'm sure time zones are messin' my head a lil...Hang these gals even speak English? Or is it like some weird forgotten language y'all speak?"
"....just get her all three Fenwy"
I give a cheeky grin towards the serious looking girl and raise my hand up for a high five; she stares back at me in return like I have a disease and then scuttles off to the other side of the room to hide. Jeez clearly no one has fun or smiles on themyscira, which is a shocker because this place is actual paradise! I've only been here for a few hours, yet I feel like all my troubles have been washed away by just sitting on this lounger alone. Every panic and every fear just doesn't matter anymore because when I'm here I'm safe, safe from everything and everyone.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Diana giving me an interested look as I trace my palm lines in a zoned out fashion. Her hair falls over her face as she leans more and more to watch me, looking almost as intently as I am with my palm. With a sudden glance up she leans back to her resting position and awaits for my response, her face showing no emotion as to what she's thinking. That's what annoys me about her so much, you just can't read the girl even with a degree in psychology.
"Can I help y'a wondey, or y'a just enjoying the show?"
"Sorry. It's're not how I was expecting you to be. The media, and batman, portrays Harley Quinn as a lethal and ruthless character. Someone who would do anything for the joker"
"Which is true."
"Yet you act so calm right now and almost like a normal being"
"Well that's cuz y'a ain't annoyed me too much just yet! Y'a saw me before in that warehouse, I can fight to the death if it means I'm keepin' my puddin' safe. Villains are just like the rest, we go out and have meals and see people; we can't be chaos 24/7 it's hard work!"
"You are certainly crazy I cannot deny that...but you also have a bit of good in you, which is nice to see"
"Hey don't start recruiting me into that justice league crap! I just know y'a shouldn't be Beatin' lil kids cuz their daddies are baddies or somethin'. There's a difference between havin' morals and bein' good."
"You can't stop being who you are Harley"
"Maybe I just never started...ooh drinks!"

Her eyes flicker up in a roll as I excitedly reach for my drinks and take a small sip of each; the combination giving me the same feeling of when the Joker kissed me for the first time. Absolute bliss.
"Not too quickly, it will go to your head fast. You will want a clear mind when questioning the oracle."
"Meh. So is this the same oracle that I met or like is there more?"
"The oracle comes in many forms and in this life it has taken the form of a young girl known as Callie. We found her from a baby and raised her, however she is countlessly kidnapped and held against her will to answer questions her young mind can't answer. The power is often too much for her, but here in Themyscira she is safe and can live like a normal child...well as best as she can."
"Interestin', so y'a get like different ones? I've only heard of the myths from books I never read; my teachers use to complain and try to explain them to me, but my head was on the table as soon as their borin' mouths opened"
I burst out laughing, taking another long sip of all the drinks and feeling the bubbles tingle up my body.
"When an oracle dies they are replaced by another and it could be anyone. A young man, a women, even a dog."
"That must be hard to translate... Right take me to her and then we can part ways!"
"I've been too good to you Harley Quinn"
"Nah y'a just a softie like the bats!"
I down the rest of the drinks (maybe a bad idea...) and stand up wobbling slightly.
"Careful! If you knock something over my mother will not be impressed."
"Does she know I'm here?"
"Of course she's the ruler she sees all."
"Well why ain't she sayin' hello!"
"I spoke to her whilst you were building sandcastles outside...and seeing as you are a women technically you are allowed here."
"Aw y'a mama sounds like a doll!"
"Hera help me. Right follow me"
I eagerly grab hold of her, stumbling some more slightly in my heels,but she keeps me steady with the tips of her fingers. Damn she's strong.

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