Chapter 7- The Unexpected Date

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I didn't speak about the security guard incident to anybody. When the police came to ask me questions the following day I said I had only seen him briefly, I told them he did look somewhat stressed and perhaps it could have been some sign of him wanting to commit suicide. They never did find the body, so me and joker were safe for now. That's the way I wanted it to be, maybe for the rest of my life! I had always had an impulse to protect my patients but my impulse for joker was electric, he was my sweet angel and I just couldn't let anyone hurt him. Later at our next session he asked me if I had liked my gift but all I responded with was
"I returned it. Sadly there is no gift exchange for such a marvellous present"
"So no one else will be buying it?" He had asked in response, he knew the code I was speaking in straight away as if our minds were like one of the same.
"No, no one will be buying it. I think it is too exquisite for some peoples taste."
"I see...but you enjoyed it?"
"A part of me wanted to keep it but I knew better" and with that he let off a shriek and banged his fists against the table not even trying to hold back the laughter. He had been in a such better mood since the straight jacket had been removed, the sessions flew by and within a few weeks I had gone deeper into the jokers mind than anybody else before me. I was in most newspapers and in countless TV appearances, every one wanted a glimpse of the golden girl (that's me!!!). Yet for some reason it wasn't as good as I had hoped it to be and a part of me just wanted to hide from all the cameras and news reporters; this fame I had was not one I wanted. Even when all the doctors began to respect me a lot more at Arkham I still did not feel like I had fully met my true purpose in life, maybe I had got this all wrong? Maybe becoming this celebrity physcologist had just been an illusion to distract me from my real purpose? Joker did warn me the other day when he had read the newspaper article about me that really the only victims in the media were the heroes themselves, that they were all part of some elaborate distraction to the public to avoid the true horrors. Puppets in some twisted show. Every media story needed a villain and a hero, even if the villain was completely innocent. "So you see yourself as innocent?" I had asked him, he in reply threw the paper down and rocked back in his chair looking intently at me. "I see myself as a free man, judged on the what society thinks is 'acceptable'. My actions are not 'acceptable' Harleen, society finds them chaotic and unjustified.They all have these set minds of what they want everybody to be like and how everyone should react, a complete plan to human existence. It panics them that people like me live, that I ruin their 'happy little plans'. Maybe the things I do may not show me as a victim but believe me, we are all victims to society. Even you. In a way it's a gift that I can show my true colours" he gestured to his clown make up and I laughed, hitching up my glasses and pulling the clipboard closer to myself. He smiles and then continues musing on his thoughts. "If we all showed our true colours maybe this world wouldn't be so panicked about law and order. Whatever happened to a bit of fun! Masks reveal people, if you ever tried it you would understand. I could definitely see you as someone who wouldn't take no for an answer, you Miss Quinzel have something special and maybe if you didn't kiss up to Dr.Arkham so much it would come out more. To any other person this conversation would have been weird and as he would put it 'socially unacceptable' yet to me it made perfect sense! Joker was someone who I could openly talk to, he no longer intimidated me but made me blush instead; who knew the guy could be such a sweetheart underneath that physco clown make up. He also had a way of making me laugh, anything set him off and that laugh was so infectious I could never help but not join in! He made me feel so confident as well, as if I could do anything if put my mind to it and showed my true abilities.He understood me as I understood him, two lost souls struggling for a purpose in life. The list of how he made me feel could go on for ever, even more recently when I heard of his childhood. That day where we sat in his small cell and he confessed what his father did to him really filled me with anger and sadness, that man seemed like an utter... Ugh words could not describe how he sounded. It affected me so much even now, I could barely grasp the concept of how he could be so horrible to him. The whole thought of someone hurting my Mr.J was just... Absolutely awful. When I told Ivy she hardly responded apart from a 'figures' and returned back to her work, seemed like nobody else would listen or have respect for Joker's issues other than myself. A rather interesting aspect in our relationship of patient and doctor...
"Excuse me Miss.Quinzel?" I look up from the hearts I had been doodling all over a sheet of paper in my office to seen a young man around my age standing there, rather smartly dressed. How long had he been stood there? Oh I really need to stop thinking bout Joker and focus on what is actually happening in my own life. Even though I had never spoken to this man I had recognised him immediately; the strong jawline, the piercing eyes and thick black hair all lead to the one conclusion. The playboy millionaire Bruce Wayne was standing in my office. And I wish he would just get out. "Yes? Oh you must be Bruce Wayne one of our funders... A pleasure to meet you" I stand up politely and hold out my hand to which he replies
"As to meet you Dr.Quinzel" and grasps his own hand with mine quite firmly, I didn't think he would be quite so strong. "So are you in here for a reason or you just stopping by?" I smile and shift my papers to one side, hiding the love heart covered paper underneath Joker's file. Bruce leans on my desk whilst I do so and looks outside my window, wow what a complete poser! I could never imagine Joker behaving like this it's practically embarrassing in fact. "Well after hearing of your miracle work I thought I would come
Congratulate you in person, on behalf of Gotham I'm glad to say that you were appointed here in Arkham. It truly is an honour to be talking with you right this minute, the golden girl as all the newspapers say."
"Well I am quite flattered Mr.Way-"
"please call me Bruce"
"Right. Well Bruce I am flattered but I am fairly busy at the minute I'm afraid that I must dash to my next appointment. I do appreciate your kind words however" I smile through gritted teeth and go to get up and leave but he stops me and places his hand on my shoulder stopping me
In my tracks. "Well perhaps I could treat you to dinner sometime as a thank you" he hands me a business card and I place it amongst my files. "I may take your offer but I'll have to see, I am after all extremely busy"
"Of course I understand" he says apologetically and for the first time
I finally see the appeal in Mr Wayne. He escorts me to my next cell and we make pleasant commentary on the weather but all the while my mind was somewhere else. I never planned to go on a date with Bruce but Ivy had other plans.
"you have to say yes!" She practically screamed when I told her, it threw me quite a surprise in fact I had never seen her get so worked up in such a short period of time.
"Since when were you so invested in my love life?"
"I'm interested in your love life's income. Bruce Wayne, the billionaire Harleen! If you could convince him to fund money for my projects imagine how much further my progress would be! Or if he donated to an environmental charity, everything would turn in my favour, our favour."
"Ivy I'm not just gonna date him so you he can pay to water your plants"
She sighed in frustration and hit the bench with the palm of her hand. "You're hilarious. Please Harleen one date that's all you have to do. What's stopping you anyway?"
"Um the fact I'm not interested."
"Because you're interested in the clown instead"
I stop in my tracks and look at her
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me, you're in love with that maniac and don't deny it! I've even heard you say his name in your sleep"
"I have not!"
"Yes you have!"
"No I have... Look if I go on a date with Bruce will you get off my case?"
"That's my girl" she grins innocently and hugs me. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, I would just need to consume a fair amount of alcohol to get through.

Oh how both unaware we were that the night of my date with Bruce Wayne would change the course of my life forever. That if I said no then maybe I would have continued to live my normal life, to not become what I was oh so destined to be. That night was the night which changed everything.

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