Chapter 19- In For A Shock

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For the next few weeks I began to become more and more used to the joker's antics; his every move and word I hung on to, forcing it to stick in my brain so I'd remember. I would do everything to make my puddin happy and comfortable. if his suit was looking tiresome I'd sew a new one, if he was hungry I'd cook him his favourite meals, if he was angry I'd even let him take it out on me. Poor Hun can't help but get frustrated, especially when that bats is always fooling his genius plans! It sends my own blood boiling when he whacks my angels smiling face, all he wants is to make people laugh and bats is just the joke killer. He's as much fun as Ivy at a all you can eat meat buffet.Take the other night for example, Mr J was gonna burn down a kids restaurant (you know chuck e cheese that sort of thing) through the use of super explosive birthday candles; it was all going so well until that bats showed up and whacked the hell out of us! Luckily we got away with only a few scrapes, the building wasn't so lucky though, you ever seen a man melting in a mouse costume before? Me neither until now, but I'll tell you it made me and puddin laugh for hours! Yup it couldn't be going better with me and joker! I'd give all the lil details...but that's a bit too private to even think about right now (think other thoughts harl, maybe not as nice thoughts, but still think less dirty thoughts).As for me and Ivy things are still a little rough, I pretty much have moved everything out my flat now and she's just avoiding me a part from leaving the odd note. It's never anything confrontational or mean, just a reminder to take the bins out or to have a proper meal before going back out. She's always so health conscious the sweetie... I'm still mad at her though. Stupid Pamela. Anyway thinking bout the past is just silly, the future is now and I'm lovin it! However there's still a few pieces of my past I'm still trying to pick up on

"Falcone is pretty much head of Gotham, you mess with him you are messing with a lot of other people. Dangerous people" Gordon slips me the file across the café table and I pick it up with a half hearted interest. Too many words... This is gonna take too long to read so I am hoping Gordon here is just gonna summarise whatever's in it.
"Thanks for helpin' me out Gordon,means a lot. If he's done anything to Joan though trust me his dangerous people ain't got nothin on my dangerous people....I'm talkin bout me here by the way... I don't actually have any people jus yet"
"I got it Harley. And it's no problem, Joan was a good doctor and I'm just as invested in bringing her back as you are. The crowd you run with is a bad one and I should jail you while I have the chance;However I think I'd rather have the chance to jail falcone. Helps me sleep better on a night to know my daughter Barbara can wander through town with one less criminal out there"
"Aw y'a sweet on me really aren't y'a Gordy? Don't worry I won't tell your mrs or mistah J!" I give a cheeky wink and giggle as my eyes dart round the cafe to check no one was around. It was one a few miles out of Gotham, not one people would actually drive out to for a nice meal either; the place is a dump and a perfect secret location!
"Sure Harley... Also there's one thing which is bothering me that I must ask you."
"Wha's that?"
"Well if this is meant to be a secret meeting why are you still wearing the clown paint?"
"Oh I ain't this is spray tan"
".... You sprayed yourself white"
"Expensive as hell I'll tell ya now."
Before he replies his pager rings and he rolls his eyes. "I got to get going now, Harley you read that file before you jump to any stupid decisions. Read. The. File"
"Sure thing James" ooh my pancakes are here! As he leaves I look at the file then the pancakes with the syrup dripping down it, almost seductively really.Wouldn't hurt to eat first,I mean you can't not eat on a full stomach...

3 hours later I'm lying on a sofa in the warehouse looking at the deck of cards in my hands; it was an annual game of joker poker which the guys loved to play almost everyday, luckily for me I was pretty good at betting after years of experience. All them hours I had spent sat with ex boyfriends bringing rounds of beer for them and their mates, you pick up on a few card tricks there and then which almost makes the beatings you got after an even score. I may have been black and blue but heck could I poker.
"Full house boys read em and weep!" I sit up squealing as I wipe all their cash from the pile and put it in my own, my red lips coiled in a smile as I do; my eyes did wander to the file underneath it but again I shake my head and ignore it. I'm having a break here I can read it later!
"You're too good at this Harley sure you ain't cheating?"
"Now fellas would I lie to any of ye's?"
"Better not answer that one" they all laugh and I stand up, glancing towards the office door.
"Be right back,now don't go stealin any of my stuff got it?"
"Sure Harley.." They chorus. I skip off to J's room and knock quietly before slowly opening the door. There he was, sitting at the desk and leaning on one pale hand whilst his other scribbled frantically. The room was quite dark with only a single lamp looking over his paper, but still I could make out his bloodshot eyes and red lipped grin from the shadows of the room. He didn't look up or acknowledge me but just continued to scribble instead; so I wander over and lean against the desk beside him, stroking his green greasy mess of a hair.
"Yes puddin?"
"I'm busy Harley go away back to your game"
"But it's no fun if you ain't playin"
He sighs and slams his pen down to look at me, at first I see the anger in his eyes and I already wince waiting for him to hit me. I sense it coming, I wait for his hand to reach my face to and smack me right across the room. He doesn't. Instead he takes my arms and pulls me onto his knee like a child as he picks up his own and continues to work. I watch with interest as he becomes immersed with his plans once more, they were insane scribbles and doodles which I could barely understand. Sometimes I think joker is on a whole new language to us all which we just don't get yet. I rest my head into his shoulder and we are quiet for several minutes.
"What now Harley"
"Jus curious to know what ye plannin"
"All in good time sweetheart. Let's just say it's gonna be a zinger for the bat"
"It always is mistah J you got a real way with plans. B man is literally drove crazy by em!"
"Not crazy enough though. I will get him one day. Gotham will be mine"
"Of course puddin... But it won't be if you ain't gettin enough sleep, you look like you've been dragged through a bush"
"Yet you still find me attractive" he grins and pushes a strand of my hair back as I giggle and give him a quick kiss then stand up. I knew it wouldn't be long before he got proper angry, he hates anyone being in his study; I just wanted to see him..
"Get some rest silly" I say softly as I open the door, but as I turn back he's already back to scrumpling up the paper and starting over again.

I take the hyenas out to the back alley for some fresh air, leaning against the wall as I watch them scurry around and play fight with one another. It was around mid day but you could hardly tell from all the clouds. Gotham was hardly tropical paradise but to me it's home; watching all the cars blur past on either side of the alley it made me feel almost safe like being trapped in a bubble. I can't help thinking how crazy this has all been, so much has changed in these months but whose to say if it's for better or worse? In my hand I held the file again, tempted to open it but also tempted to leave it. A part of me wants Joan found and safe, another part of me wants her to not see me like this. She'll see a psycho, a freak, just like the rest of the world does. Just like dr arkham and my ex boyfriends and my... And my family. Stop it Harl we ain't takin a trip down memory lane here. As I slowly begin to turn the pages of the file I suddenly hear a whimper and snarl from the babies, turning to my left to see a black car parked at the end. Two men step out in suits and begin to walk towards me at a fast pace, I myself begin to back away but only to find the right end is also blocked by the same version of the car. The door ain't working either; shit I must have locked myself out. Stupid Harley what the hell am I gonna do? Wait a second I'm Harley Quinn... I can take these men in black wannabes on any day.
"Afternoon fellas,dunno if you knew this but y'a parked on yella lines right there."
"Miss Quinn."
"Oh good y'a know my name, do y'a know my babies names by any chance?" I gesture to the snarling hyenas with a playful grin.
"Falcone wants to see you"
"Y'a don't talk much do y'a? And what if I don't wanna go?"
The men stare at me silently and point to the car on the right side of the alley; they open the door and in there is a struggling Pamela who is bounded and gagged with chains. Her red hair is streaming everywhere, blood stains the top of her forehead and even from a distance I can see the tears she's been holding back. Then I see another person being forced to come into view, a jet black haired girl which was none other than the cat woman. So that's where they've been...
"You didn't think those letters at your house were really from Ivy did you? Oh wow now that's good" for the first time since meeting the men crack a smile. I'll give them something to smile about. I lunge at them with all the force I have, only to find their strong hands grab my shoulders and an electric current shocks through my body. I lie there on the floor, my vision completely blurry. I hear the babies howling but they take off into a sprint when the gun shots go off. I feel them pick me up, whispering something to one another but I can't make it out; the world feels black and dark. I try to fight back but with every bit of energy I use they fight back with those tasers which feel like they are burning your insides. The pain. Oh god the pain is the worst I've ever felt. It's a thousand heart breaks, a hundred stabs with a knife, a litre of poison. It hurts. Last thing I remember is being shoved in the car and feeling Ivy kiss the top of my head softly.

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