Chapter 18- Burn Baby Burn

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Okay so as we all know, hyenas are the essential accessory to hunting down acquaintance's evil husbands; they are loving loyal companions and can tear people into personal chew toys. I mean who doesn't love that redeeming quality about them! Plus I can't just leave them in my flat to chew up all of Ivy's plants it isn't fair on my babies (wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing though on the account that I ain't talkin to that red headed leafy lady). When the coast was clear later that day I snook back into my apartment, that cold and lonely atmosphere hitting me as I unlocked the front door. She wasn't back. It was the same atmosphere I used to live with when I was alone so I knew it all to well to know she was not here. The takeaway food was still lying abandoned by the bin along with sheets of scrap paper and dangerous chemicals labelled for me not to touch; pam always knew I would crack and try to open one up so death threats were always needed to stop me from it. I could see all her plants and work were still on the table, neatly stacked in categoric piles which were probably alphabetic as well; She must be coming back then... not that I care. Nope,nope I have a new life with my puddin, so who cares what Ivy and her kitty friend are up to?Probably buying a litter box or something. They left me so I'm leaving them!

I find my poor babies starving and prowling restlessly in my bedroom and I lure them out with some juicy steaks and ribs,until they are satisfied enough to follow my commands. At first all they do is snarl at me, completely hacked off that I had left them home alone for so long; but with a little bit of tough love they cave in to my hugs and kisses. God who knew training hyena's would be hard work? Kind of reminds me of Mr J though, he needs a bit of tough love himself!I lead them downstairs and they jump in the back seat with me in the front,looking at the address of Mr Leeland which had been given me and trying to decide whether it was upstate or not. I should not have slept in geography or been distracted by the urge to doodle, jeez I can barely read the little digits on this darn map! WHY IS EVERYTHING SO SMALL WHY CAN'T THERE JUST BE A DEVICE WHICH GIVES YOU STRAIGHT FORWARD DIRECTIONS TO WHEREVER IT IS YOU NEED TO.... oh yeah satnav's exist Harl. Well there's my job made a whole lot easier. I type it in to the satnav and begin to follow the route, it was an hours drive but that just gives me plenty of time to think and ponder on life and take in the beauty that is around me.. or you know just sing cheesy pop songs.

"Harl what are you doing?"

I'm singing the spice girls Harleen now shut up you ain't meant to be interrupting my train of thought.

"This is wrong. So very very wrong. why have you done this?"

It's a really good song don't judge me miss science know it all absolute bi-

"You know that's not what I meant. You're his little slave now. We were once free and had a life going for ourselves, a name that could have gone down in history. We could have straightened up this town and all the criminals in it could have been cured with our assistance. Don't let the sacrifice Danielle made be in vain. Let's not be trapped let's be free, let's get out of this before it becomes too bad and we are in too deep"

Okay okay hold up. 1, I am not trapped,YOU are trapped because I don't want you being in charge anymore with your boring thoughts. I trapped you for a purpose and that purpose is to be with my puddin of which I AM DOIN WITH MY OWN DAMN FREE WILL. 2, don't bring up Danielle like she's some saint she ain't even visited me for the past 3 years, nor has mama or anybody else for that matter. Maybe if I get on death row she'll come give a nice wave along with the rest of her motley crew of a family. That husband of hers is creepy.

"Harley you are not listening you are just distracting yourself from the facts! This will not end well for you, for us, for both of us! Please try and snap-"

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