Chapter 5- When There's A Joker There's A Way

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"I would like to keep this professional, please refer to me as Dr Quinzel"
"Well if we're gonna be all technical please 'refer' to me as... Mr.J" he still stares straight at me, tilting his head slightly as he waits for my reaction and whilst I would like to say I stayed formal I couldn't help but let a smile appear on my lips. "Funny. I think I will stick with Joker for the time being. How was your first night in Arkham?" I take a seat opposite and begin to lift out a pen and paper, jotting down the date and adding my name in the top left in cursive writing (old habit). "A little cold, food was terrible obviously budget cuts have been made it was like eating my own eyeballs, or yours perhaps. They are quite pretty you know, very blue like when you drown someone in the sea and their body slowly gets number every second... That was a compliment.Oh but it's hardly my first night here, I've been in this cell more than bats has captured us 'criminals'. It's peculiar huh, we get called the 'freaks of the world' yet we aren't the ones dressed like flying rats proclaiming ourselves as super heroes. He has no real power!He just has all that money to compensate for all those fancy gadgets he uses.. I could do that, anybody could do that if they had the fortune to do so. That's not power that's an income, no no real power comes within" he leans back in his chair whilst I lean forward with more interest, my cheeks still slightly blushing from when he kind of complimented me.
"And how would you define this power? Do... You see yourself as powerful?"
"Now that my girl is an interesting question. I like you. You're the doctor whose asking all the right questions but from what it looks like you hardly get the right answers that you desire.How long have you stayed in Dr. Arkham's shadow? As his little pet which he yells orders at and you meekly obey?"
I cough and adjust my glasses, looking at the paper rather than him as I just couldn't anymore without feeling uneasy. That manic smile permanently on his face with those eyes containing that spark of life, he looked so like a child. So innocent, not a freak at all.
"We a-are getting off track"
"There's a track? Is this you trying to de-rail me 'doc'?"
"This is me trying... Trying to help you. Look I know it's not easy but please remain focused this will not take long."
He looks at me shuffling uncomfortably in his seat, licking the cuts around his lips without even a single wince. I could still the small bruises on his neck though underneath the paint, those guards must have gave him a real hard time even when he was defenceless. "I would be more focused Dr.Quinzel if my hands weren't wrapped around my back" he looks at the straight jacket as if gesturing and then back at me;his voice was beginning to sound slightly more menacing which sent small sparks of fear flying through my body. I should have been scared yet for some reason I still felt safe, he wasn't gonna harm me. I knew he wouldn't.
"If I request the straight jacket off for the next session will you co-operate more?" He hesitates as if pondering the suggestion before leaning slightly forward, drawing nearer to me so I could see every detail of his paint underneath the bad lighting.
"Now you're talking. I said this would be fun" he grins and I smile back, it was also good to reassure your patients with a smile as my teacher once said!
"Indeed, now please let's get back to the first question. Power what does it mean to you?"
"Power.... Power to me is not about the money or the fame but it's control. I can send this whole city into panic just with one action, I know how to set them off, I know what they fear. I can control them and their emotions with my unpredictable actions. I'm a man who doesn't see the world as something to dominate but more something to mess up, to crumple and tear without full damage. That chaos, that panic... It's the most powerful thing of all. Madness is power, now does that answer your question?" I scribble it down as quickly as I can whilst he speaks, my writing a scrawl which I can barely read.Finally a method to the madness was being discovered by me! Wait til Dr. Arkham reads this! "Yes I suppose it does. So you are not faking insanity then?"
"Why would I fake and hide what I am? There is no point to hiding, which is why I wear my mask. It's not for hiding but displaying my true colours, my inner Picasso if you will."
"Sometimes it's best to hide. No one can hurt you" I practically whisper the last sentence, staring down at my pen and trying to avoid what I was truly thinking about.
"Is that why you wear your name tag and glasses to hide who you really are? Maybe you need to... Bring out your true colours more, that red for example is a rather fitting colour. Matches mine perfectly"
"A perfect match huh.... I'm afraid that's the end of our session today. I'll see about the straight jacket and perhaps next session we can talk about your family and old life as it were. I'm sorry this session was short it was just an introduction to myself really"
"Not the real you though."
"No.... Maybe not." I clear my throat and stand up walking towards the door not daring to look back but more focused at what lay ahead, I just couldn't look back.
"Stick with me and I reckon the real you could emerge sooner than you think. Dr. Quinzel"
"See ya... Mistah J" and with that I closed the door, leaving him and perhaps Dr. Quinzel behind.

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