Chapter 12: Hello Harley Quinn

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"y'a sure this will work ivy?" I question her as stare in to the rear view mirror and apply my black and red lipstick for the third time just to make sure, that it was in fact perfect and that I myself looked fully perfect. Boy is Mr. J is gonna be surprised! Oh I just wanted this entire thing to be amazing..for everything to go according to plan just as I had wanted to;for once I didn't wanna be the screw up dumb blonde. Instead I wanted to be the screw up dumb blonde in the jester suit carrying a variety of dangerous clown themed weapons which could cause severe damage to anyone in a 100 metre radius(I'm not sure if that is a typical stereotype.. but oh well)! Before we headed to Arkham We had stopped by at jokers old warehouse as I knew he had been hiding several things there when he confided in me in a previous session; y'a know his usual gags like the laughing gas bombs and the acid squirters...except this time we made a few changes to them, I guess you could say we 'harleyfied' them. By adding lots of red and black paint, as well as a whole new set of features soon all the weapons became my very own! My favourite new weapon is definitely this massive novelty hammer I found near the bottom of all his stuff and after adding some extra weight to it, it became the perfect weapon! Maybe even my signature one! It was in the back of the truck right now along with everything else whilst me and ivy were sitting in the front parked just outside the entrance of Arkham; The radio playing some weird music from the 70's (?)and the air con was blasting out, keeping us cool as we sit there waiting for the perfect time to strike. I couldn't be sure on what the time was but I knew it was fairly late seeing as the streets were as dead as they could be for living in Gotham as well as the traffic being eerily quiet. The citizens go to bed and the criminals come out to play, I think to myself.
"Harl this plan will definitely work.I am so positive that with your determination and attitude nothing can or will stop you! You've always been so strong... it's what I admire most about you." She shuts off the engine and turns to me into the darkness. Her beach wavey hair was covering most of her face as it always did, except this time I could make out the glistening in her bright green eyes that were spilling over and rolling down her pale cheeks. She reaches over and takes both my hands and I instinctly cling to her;the both of us sitting in silence just staring at one another as more and more tears fall down her face... I had never seen her cry or look so hurt before.
"We'll see each other soon... right red?"
"Sure we will. I promise we will... this is not goodbye Harley Quinn."
"So it's a see y'a soon?" I sniff, trying to hold back my own tears. She had stood by me after all these months, looked after me and made sure that I had ate and slept enough. She gave up so much time and energy to help me;She had done everything for me...and now she was letting me go even if it killed her because she knows it's what I want. Ivy was definitely one of the greatest people I had ever met and I was so grateful for her to have entered my life... I never ever wanted her to leave.

"Yeah... This is a see you soon. Listen Harley, I will always be here for you. When you're in trouble or when you need help just call and I will be right by your side. I know you think Joker will be loyal... I hope to god that he is otherwise I swear I will-"
"Right. Anyway just... if you hit a rough patch... give me a ring. If it's alright with you I'll stay at our, well your, apartment. No one will track me down there just yet and at least you will know where to find me"
"Oh of course you can stay there Ivy!" I hug her tightly "maybe I can come visit on weekends? I'm sure we can come to some arrangement, like a girls night out! You are a great friend Ivy... and I mean that"
"You are too Harl...Now go show Arkham who runs Gotham" she kisses my cheek and I inhale her scent of lilies mixed with lavender and roses for a final time...The fragrance which would always remind me of home. I then jump out the car and onto the path, clutching my hammer as I watch my one and only true friend drive away into the night with only the tire tracks in the road as proof that she was there. "This isn't goodbye" I whisper with a smile, turning towards the entrance and humming 'Mary had a little lamb' to myself. For some reason that dang song was stuck in my head! Right okay here it goes... Mistah J here I come!

Arkham asylum late at night was pretty much dead and I must admit that I'm surprised not a lot of patients attempt to escape, I mean you might as well just be walking out of your own house. With security half asleep and all the doctors safe at home,breaking in was hardly a challenge at all;Well some parts (some people) were a challenge! "I always told you Frank, sleepin' on the job would get'cha in trouble one way or the other!" I smile stroking the top of Franks now bruised and probably broken skull. Well it was his own stupid fault for being such a killjoy, trying to sound the alarms when I just wanted a quiet night out. It's not like I deliberately woke him up just to hit him over the head and cause brutal brain damage...Oh well what's done is done! I skip past him with ease, picking up his security card and swiping it in the lift pass in order to let me into the lower levels of Arkham. I knew Joker was being kept towards the ground levels, like most of the other dangerous criminals who could barely be kept out of a straight jacket for a few seconds. It was not fair for him to be kept down there, my sweet angel is no monster he shouldn't be around all those other dangerous physcopaths. I press the down button and instantly the rusting lift begins to plummet to the bottom. God I feel quesy. Within just a few seconds I'm on the sub zero floors and instantly I hear a manic laugh echoing through the hallways as the doors open... That beautiful hypnotic laugh which would send shivers down my spine in ways no gal could describe. He was here. Still laughing and smiling, perhaps bruised to death yet still laughing. Still alive. I begin to sneak down the corridor, my boots echoing with every step on the metal flooring as I passed each individual cell but not even bothering to have a look within them; I had seen all them criminals before they were nothing special....but the cell at the end did contain someone oh so very special. "Mistah J?" I call out, peeking round the corner towards the end cell which was sealed with bullet proof glass and also had 3 cameras pointed at it. There lay my sweet puddin on the floor in fits of laughter as a doctor and two body guards stood over him;I instantly noticed the black eye under his black of make up as well as the cut on his forehead from heaven knows what. A sudden surge of anger rushes through me as I emerge from my hiding place and stand right in the middle of the corridor, bring two fingers to my mouth and making a loud whistling noise to grab their attention. The doctor and guards turn round and surprise surprise, the doctor was none other than Dr.Arkham. He looked puzzled for a second but then as he began to recognise my facial features his face turned to pure shock,as he screamed "get her!".
They came charging towards me with faces full of determination, but neither of them were a match against me and my mallet. I smack the first one right in the chest, sending him backwards into the wall and shattering the glass. The next got it in the legs causing him to trip and slide across the floor, probably shattering his kneecaps. As they both begin to rise again I felt like I was in some kind of living dead apocalypse movie. Boy these guys were not gonna give up easily, I was gonna have to use extreme forces! From inside my boot I pull out a laughing gas grenade and throw it onto the floor just as I dive away from it and towards the cell. The two men collapse again onto the floor but this time in fits of laughter whilst Dr.Arkham slowly also begins to join them. His glasses fall off his face as he collapses into a heap; he would never see it coming...I could so easily just kill him right there and then and get my revenge done quickly. However in the words of a wise criminal 'now where's the fun in that?'. Instead I stomp on his glasses and make my way towards Joker, I offer out my hand to him with a grin on my face and as he looks up and takes my hand sparks fly through my entire body. "Well well My Harley Quinn, in the flesh!"
"That's right Mistah J! Do you like my new uniform?"
"It's definitely more appealing than that lab coat." He laughs then kisses my cheek. It was only for a second but I could have just fainted from joy right there and then! I give a little squeal of delight as he tugs on my hand and the two of us disappear through the laughing gas. The escape out was much easier, especially with Mistah J by my side; we steal a car in seconds flat and before I knew it the two of us were speeding through the streets of Gotham, with only the faint sounds of police sirens in the distance which could be heard.
"Where we heading?" I ask excitedly
"well the night is young and I still have to give you a small thank you. So tell me Harley... Where do you want us to head?"
I think about it for several seconds, before turning to him with a smile.
"The zoo"
"Interesting choice, well we can definitely have some fun there that's for sure! Cmon lets give old batsy a night to remember, it's been too long since he's had a sleepless night" he chuckles and I giggle in response. I lean my head out the window and watch the buildings go by, one arm rested by my head with the other holding jokers hand.

Oh love is such sweet madness!

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