Chapter 27- Wheel of Life

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I've taken 8 tests in total...each one with an answer that's different from the next. Sitting on the front of one of the old abandoned bumper cars I continue to stare at the test marked with a question mark, as it teased me with my burning desire of a question. Was I pregnant or was this all just a mistake? Trust me and my stupid bad luck to have such torture of a complex answer to a simple question.
"One of Riddler's Clues?" Jokes Buster, who was directly across from me fixing up the bumper cars one by one. Each one had been modified to become a different joker gag of some sort, a way to distract the bat from the grand ending we had in store. Jokers been so busy I've barely seen him, a part from on a night when he wants some company; sometimes I cook for him or we chat or we get the idea. Last night we sat on the Ferris wheel and went to the very top so that we overlooked Gotham.
"This place is almost mine my dear and soon it will also be in complete chaos. Those two things will always go hand in hand, chaos and power that is."
"Kinda like the two of us! Hand in hand"
"Oh Harley you do make me smile you lil devil. But yes There's more to life than owning money and land, you think other villains would have learned by now. Then again none of them are too original. But look at me, at us, the fear alone has struck the hearts of many 'poor' souls down below. They don't fear two face or penguin or whoever else, no no they fear me."
"Y'a got'em good boss" I nestled into his chest and stroked the edge of his jacket affectionately.
"I have indeed sweets" he gave a small chuckle and stroked the top of my hair. "I have indeed"

I mainly spend my days helping buster out, mr. J prefers me to stay out the way during day time when he's hard at work but I don't mind! I like buster because he's sweet and talks to me like a real lady, he's dead respectful and would never ever make a pass at me. He's like a brother almost! Better than my brother in fact, dirty lil scumbag... I could never trust him the way I trust buster. We've become so close over the past few weeks, swapping stories and jokes to each other. I practically tell him everything (a part from the things Mr J makes me swear on my hyenas lives to not tell).

"Somethin' like that B"
"I was only kiddin' boss lady...why so glum?"
"This is a pregnancy test Buster, I've taken 8 of them."
"How much pee do you have in that bladder"

I give a small laugh and put it down beside me as I open my arms up toward bud who was sprinting over to me panting and cackling. At least I still have these babies.
"so what's the verdict?"
"They all came back either positive, negative or unsure. I ain't told puddin' and y'a ain't gonna tell him either!"
"God as my witness I won't." He place his big hand over his chest and grins, revealing two of his missing teeth in the process. It's a comforting smile, a reassuring one.
"You thought of going to a doctor?"
"Cops are all over the place, I ain't goin' anywhere out of this compound."
"Well instead of going out, get someone in. What about that Joan woman you said you helped rescue."
"She don't talk to me and I don't talk to her. It's better that way."
"Hm... I'll have a look into things see if any of those black market doctors could come take a look. You will have to tell joker soon though Harley"
"But I've only been with puddin' for only a year or so! Time flies when y'a love ain't that right Busty?"
"Suppose so boss lady"
He slams the top of the bumper car down and proceeds to work on the next one.
"I'll just wait a while I may not even be pregnant!"
"You had cravings? Morning sickness?"
"I'm always craving,I'm hungry 24/7. I have food and ten minutes later I'm hungry again."
"You know my wife didn't even know she was pregnant. 9 months and not even a sign, all we thought was that the booze had finally gone to her stomach. Then there he was, lil Rocky."
My nose wrinkles slightly in disgust at the name.
"No offence but I'd never name my kid Rocky, the poor thing would be tortured!"
"Well what names have you got?"
"If it's a boy Jack, a girl Lucinda or Lucy"
"You had this planned out a while like boss Lady?"
"Every girl secretly picks out their kids names, no matter how much they deny it crossing their mind! God imagine if its got the Jokers smile how cute!"
"I want to erase that image from my head."
"Oh don't be so crude buster"
I stick my tongue out and pull a face towards bud.
"Y'a think it'd be cute wouldn't y'a boy? Course y'a would!"
He snuggles into me and I cuddle him even more, my eyes still looking at the test as I do.
"Maybe I could go find that oracle chick again. She would tell me straight if I had a gun at her."
"So you won't go see a professional doctor, but tracking down a random little child with magical powers is perfectly acceptable?"
"Y'a need to book an appointment with a doctor, y'a don't need to for this."
I jump off the car and wave goodbye to buster, walking through the grounds towards the big carnival tent where puddin' was. The tent was beautiful I fell in love with it instantly like I had done as a kid; there was many hoops and poles and rope for my to do my gymnastics on I could barely cope! Straight away I had been up there doing all my best tricks and sometimes when the jokers working I just sit on one of the hoops and do some stretches and watch him from above. Kinda creepy of me, but he doesn't mind, unless he's super busy of which he tries to throw paper at me until I fall off. As I walk down towards the ring where he's in the middle yelling orders to each of his henchman, dressed spectacularly in his own ring masters outfit of purple and neon green.
"You idiots I said over there, why in your insolent minds did you even think I meant that way! Oh Harley come be useful and try this"
He gestures to the spinning wheel and I eagerly jump in as he begins to strap my wrists and ankles down with the rope. He showed this to me yesterday and nicknamed it the wheel of life. Fate is always cruel and unpredictable as this was, however someone else is always controlling your fate as he put it. Ever since I had been dying for him to test it on me.
"How's plannin' comin' along puddin'? We almost ready for batsy?"
He places one hand on the wheel and spins it forcefully, letting me go round as he begins to carelessly chuck knives at me. With every throw and miss my heart beats faster in excitement and the grin of my face becomes wider, I know he won't cut me no matter how casual he's being. The joker is too good to miss.
"Almost my dear, we just have a few incy wincy things to do.speaking of which I need you to go into town and do a few favours"
"Like what?"
He throws another knife that lands just to the right of my neck.
"Well whilst the boys go hand out flyers I have a flyer I want you to give especially to someone just before opening night, as they are gonna be a special guest in our show."
This time he hits just beside my ankle and even through the spinning I can see his wild grin clearly.
"Oh! You also need to go visit the storage unit and get some things. Aaanndddd..."
He throw the final knife between my legs and then stops the board so that we are face to face. He's incredibly close to me, my breath heavy from the excitement and adrenaline.
"I've got you a new outfit for you to try on"
"Ooh puddin'! Y'a the sweetest man a gal can have!"
"...You know I quite like you tied up like this. We may have to try this board out at a later time, when no ones around."
"Now that sounds like a fun game mistah J"
I give a mini squeal and he kisses me on the lips as he unstraps me and helps me down.
"Now go into town, go to the storage unit and get the crate that's labelled Showtime, you got that?"
"Town, storage unit, crate and showtime! Yup I got it!"
He holds my hands and kisses me once more before glancing towards one of the workers and angrily grabs a knife from the board. He chucks it towards him and it strikes him in the back of the head. He collapses instantly in a heap of his own blood.
"The next time someone moves that light to the left they are also getting that, or worse, you hear?"
"Yes boss" they all echo nervously. He nods and then winks at me before walking off, God I love him.
I walk out and round Bud and Lou up, placing them on their leashes and walking out into town. The carnival was only on the outskirts, far enough to secretly plan but also not too far away from the public who we needed to watch. Everything was being timed so precisely, this would be one of the biggest events in history for sure. I suddenly stop and find myself staring at a shop window for a children's nursery, a gorgeous crib made of oak that was decorated with frills and silk ribbon. My baby would have even better than that I decided, diverting my glare and continuing to walk on down to the docks. I had a job I shouldn't be losing focus jeez Harley. People stare at me all throughout me walking down, most even turn and go the opposite way whilst others cross the street. All they have to see is the white face paint and they quickly think 'freak' and 'avoid' as if it was instinct. I really hate normal people, a single freak is nicer than all of them put together. The crowds begin to become smaller the more I leave the Main Street and go towards the docks, where only a few business men or black market sellers go. Even the GCPD know better than to pay visits here. I use the key from mr J to open the warehouse but bizarrely the door was already opened and the lights were on too. Someone was in here.  I remove my babies leashes and reach for a gun in one of the random boxes, loading it quickly and wandering down the aisles with it pointed. Bud and Lou sniff for a while until one of them begins to pick up a noise and looks to the other to see if they've heard it too. Just as I hoped for, they could find the trespasser in second. In  the right corner of the warehouse a noise of rustling could be heard, someone rootling through the boxes. I hide behind a stack of crates and lean slightly forward to perfect my aim. My hand pulls the trigger and the bullet flies out; except instead of it hitting the shoulder of the person it's easily deflected and goes into one of the crates instead. Damn their reflexes are insane. The person turns round and begins to levitate off the ground, moving towards where I was stood. They seem unfazed and determined, like they do this everyday... Shame for them I also do this kind of stuff most days too! Just as they reach it I shove the crates behind me as hard as I can and they collapse on top of them. Got em! Just wait til mr J sees the new toy he can play with and torture! I dance over and look curiously towards the body under the crates, but instead of them being half dead, they seem more alive as they throw off the splintered planks of wood like it was confetti. The person who looks at me was fairly tanned with big blue doe like eyes, and pouty lips. Her contour was something else, every part of her face seemed heavily defined and glowing whilst her thick black hair was equally vibrant and full of life. At first I just couldn't put my finger on who it was, but after staring at the tiara on her forehead for long enough it suddenly clicked. I held the gun to her chest and grinned.

"Now what is an Amazon Princess doin' in mistah J's warehouse?"

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