Chapter 14- The First Fight

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I back away slowly as he emerges from the shadows and into the moonlight, his eyes glared into my own with the same expression that I had seen in hundreds of newspapers and tv programmes. The Batman. He was a lot taller in person actually, broad shouldered with quite defined facial features (even though I could barely see it all); in fact he almost looked quite familiar to me in some way but I just can't put my finger on it of who he reminds me of. Maybe I am just imagining things, which tends to happen a lot! "Nice of y'a to join the party B-Man, maybe now we can have some real fun!" I giggle and before he could react I half backflip and kick him right in the face, sending him reeling backwards but still he remained in a poised position. Oh boy, he was not going down without a fight. I stay half crouched staring at him as he looks up and locks eyes with Mr.J. "You have a lady doing your work now joker?" he states,glaring at my puddin who was still leaning back in the chair grinning wildly and running a hand through the green mess that was his hair. A small surge of anger runs through my veins once more as B-Man utters though disgusting words. Again here was another man thinking that I was no where near capable to fight my own battles, that I was just some dumb headed bimbo, that this was more 'man's work'. I've had just about enough. "Hey! Who are you callin a lady?" I lunge for my mallet then charge at bats, swinging wildly and getting him right in the stomach causing him to fall onto the floor this time.I then jump on top of him and continue to smack him with my mallet as I scream over and over "I am no lady!You hear that Bats? I. AM. NO. GOD. DAM. LADY.". He struggles and tries to grab my wrists but fails miserably,my anger had just consumed me too much and I was using all the force I could to hit him. Whenever I get angry I unleash a power I never even knew I possessed, some strength just comes from nowhere and manages to bring out almost an inner animal within me. At least I knew Batman was not going anywhere anytime soon. I bet Mr. J is so proud! "That's enough now Harley" Jokers cold voice suddenly slices through my own shrieks and it feels as if I'm snapping out of a trance. I look up and feel his hand come down on my shoulder,at first lightly, but then he grips harder and shoves me off batman which sends me sprawling across the floor. I wince as my head smacks off the tiles, thats gonna leave a mark. I'm sure my puddin didn't mean to shove me so hard he just has a tendency to get angry I know that. He would never deliberately hurt me. "Well well, so glad of you to join us Batsy...Although I must admit, you're kind of third wheeling." Joker reaches out his hand towards mine and I take it giggling and cuddling into his side, all the while we keep our eyes on batman who remained crouched at the floor with his eyes narrowed. "There's two of you now..." he finally says "I thought you were a single act Joker". "Well y'a know how it is, sometimes you just need someone special to share this madness with. Love is all about madness right pumpkin?" he pinches my cheek lightly causing me to giggle again and reply "that's right puddin!". Before the conversation goes any further a sudden explosion comes from the side window, as batman's partner flew in (what's his name again? sparrow? raven? ugh whatever some dumb bird kid anyway) and landed lightly on his feet whilst we recoiled back away from the glass. Within a blur everybody was fighting everyone. Robin lunged for me first, whilst I ducked and slammed my hammer into his back leg causing him to fall into the leaflet stand. I must admit the kid had some energy as he just jumped back up and punched me right in the ribs,leaving me winded and gasping for breath. Thats gonna leave a mark(owieee!). "Naughty Naughty" I murmur through gritted teeth as I punch him back in the jaw and our fight begins once more. It lasted longer this time, the two of us almost dancing around one another whilst using the furniture around us as props and weapons. I can't really recall how long we fought for, it wasn't until he pinned me to the floor and my body was so bruised that I began to believe I was losing hope. "Mistah J!" I wail, but as I slightly turn to my left I see he was having other problems with throwing laughing gas in batsy's face. No one was going to save me... but maybe somethings... "BABIES!" I wail this time and in an instant the two hyenas leap on top of robin and begin mauling him in a way I never could. My lovely babies saving the day,talk about loyal companions! I slowly stand up, stretching my weary muscles as I turn to see a horrific sight I thought I would never see. My pudding was now lying on the floor, with blood across his grinning face as he was wincing in pain. Batman pulled his body up, no sign of mercy on his face. "You let go of him you... you!" I try to run forward but i'm pulled back away. Dam the robin kid was back. "Right on time" Robin announces, turning to the sound of police sirens as they appear outside of the zoo; he gently shoves me forward towards the door "cmon clown princess". "It's Harley y'a know! I have a name!" I spit in his face but he ignores it, still moving me forward until I was beside joker again. He turns to me with a smile "now this is the best bit" "Why whats gonna happen?" I murmur back, shivering as the air hits me in a sudden gust (this outfit was not the warmest thing!). "Ever wonder what I was doing whilst you were making friends?" He nods towards the hyenas who were now behind me defeated and howling to one another. "Crossed ma mind". We then wait in silence as batman hands us over to the police and discusses with one of the older ones in glasses, I think it was the commissioner maybe but it was too dark to tell and I was not paying attention at all seeing as I was too excited for jokers surprise! "ooh a man hasn't handcuffed me like this in a long time... such strong hands" I wink at the police officer who was cuffing me and he blushes, looking away at my grinning psycho face. From that moment to the next it all happened in an instant I could barely comprehend it. A bomb went off and the animals went riot, flames were everywhere and smoke was spiralling into the air as they screeched and trampled everything in their path. I feel a hand grab mine and tug me off into a sprint, we sprint until we can sprint no more and then then I'm in a car. How did I even end up here? i look in the back to see the hyenas had already settled in whilst joker was speeding off away from the disastrous scene. We didn't talk for the entire journey home, just smiled at one another madly and occasionally laughing as we saw more police cars go by. I didn't know where we were going next nor did I care, I just wanted to be with him. "How did'cha y'a know where I live?", I murmur sleepily as all the excitement from tonight had finally taken its toll. The sun was just beginning to rise above the sky scrapers, a beautiful mixture of orange and pinks shone just like the way I felt inside. All bubbly and warm. "Darling I know everything about everyone. Now I have some business to attend to, you rest and i'll get you tomorrow night" "Can't I come with ya?" "My dear I am afraid that this is just another great surprise" he kisses me softly on the lips and for minute or so time stood still. I never saw it coming, it was so swift and quick yet it lasted on my lips like a thousand kisses. The best surprise of the night by far. I climb out the car, blow him a kiss goodbye then herd the hyenas up the stairs to the flat door;opening it I creep in and collapse on the sofa, letting the hyenas curl up beside me and fall asleep. Pamela came out after hearing the commotion and raises an eyebrow at me "dare I ask?" "No.." "fair enough" she smiles softly and places a blanket over me, tucking me in then stroking the top of my head. "Sweet dreams little Harley Quinn".

And what sweet dreams they were indeed

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