Chapter 16- I Hate Nightmares.

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Selina Kyle was unlike any of the women I had ever met in my life. She had the sophistication and style of any rich female graduate who got into arkham as a doctor because of 'daddy's money', however this chick was not playing any games. She was street wise as much as book wise, every word she said seemed to never be a mistake but thought out carefully in her mind; a talent I would love to possess. Selina was also quite cautious I noticed, she always seemed too polite and courteous, yet in her eyes I could see the fear and nightmares she had seen. I knew from rumours she was a stray, her family had abandoned her and left her to fend for herself on the streets of Gotham and from my personal analogy it hadn't been easy for the kid.

"So a doctor really? I mean not that I don't believe you could be one... you have just taken an odd turn" She interrupts my thoughts with her cattish smile, resting one hand on top of mine whilst her other held her third martini (I've lost count of mine).

"Fate is interesting that way right? Here's me thinkin' I would spend my days with a hubby in a urban house with lil kiddies cookin' food for them all. Yet here I am sittin' with you's in a bar full of villains!" I notice a few wary glances towards me as I state that but I just give friendly smile back and announce louder "don't worry I'm one of you's! MISS HARLEY QUINN CLOWN EXTRADOINARREEE". I go to leap up on the bar countertop only to feel a hand grab me by my sleeve and pull me down.

"That's enough Harley. I think you have had one too many drinks"

"You are a plant Ivy. You don't get it like all you drink is water" I giggle and turn to Selina "right kitty cat?"

"Um... yeah. So Pamela, did you hear about the new art exhibit down at the museum?"

"Oh don't get me started on it! The low life's, dressing plants up like decoration instead of living creatures"

"Wha's goin' on?" I rest my head on the counter top to face Pam, my vision slowly blurring as I try to focus.

"Art display on plants, you know expensive vases and rare exotic flowers. A lot of money in one place I must admit" Selina answers leaning closer to us

"You have a plan in your head don't you?"

"Maybe I do Pamela, only if you are willing to assist. Let the clown come too, I wanna see what she can do."

"No, she's just started."

"Excuuuseee me, did you not see me last night!?!"

"Everyone did flower, hence why I don't want you causing more chaos, now's the time to lie low-"

"or strike whilst the irons hot" Selina retorts.

"Like my puddin', we're gonna get married one day y'a know. We'll live in... a castle. I'll be a princess with a pretty dress and we can have a torture den and and" I slam my head off the table and to be honest I can't really remember the rest, everything else is the blur. I remember them talking for a while, in hushed voices so no one could hear; sounded like they were arguing, mostly about me. In the distance some sirens could be heard and everyone appeared to get up and bail for the night, Selena helped carry me to the door and get me onto the street I think. The night air was cold and harsh on my face, it just keeps getting colder as days go by; luckily it was a good wake up call to my half concious self. I pushed myself away from Selena and began to walk down the alley by myself in a clumsy fashion, I knew I could walk! However after a while I noticed something was wrong, their voices were calling after me getting louder and louder but I just couldn't hear. The world was going fast and slow at the same time and I knew this was not the drinks doing; It was like I was having some flashback or a vision and everything around me just didn't exist. I went from being in an alley back to being in a room with no windows or doors... back in the nightmare which has been plaguing my mind for so long. I thought I could escape it during the day, only at night could it affect me. But no here it was. It's only an illusion, it's not real, I'm drunk, drunk, drunk...

The room was a dark and cold place, colder than being outside. There's no other rooms or walls or doors, just me standing in this one circular small room. I can't get out I am tired and hungry, I'm bleeding so much from my arms and legs they barely can move me towards the peeling mould covered walls. Instead I collapse to the floorboards, coughing and screaming. This was only one part of the nightmare, I knew that there was more to come. There is always more to come. I never know who to call out to in this situation, do I call out for Pam? No no she won't come, I always try her first. I call out to the doctors then, those like Leeland and even doctor Arkham leaves my lips but only once. And then... and then... I call for him. I call for joker, screaming his name though he never comes. He's near though, i hear his laughter, his manical, crazy laugh. The walls are getting smaller and smaller, his laugh is louder and louder. I'm dying no one is coming. No one is coming. "A greatness awaits you Harley... More than you can ever imagine" a voice whispers as I cling to the floor. And then im falling again, falling....

"Miss Quinn..."

I open one eye and instantly I feel the pain of a bad ass headache from however many cocktails and shots I drank the night before. The light was piercing and hurtful, too bright to be home I thought. What happened yesterday? How did the nightmare come back like that? i can't help like something isn't right, somehow my body is telling me the worst is yet to come. Who even was that voice i haven't even heard of it before? The hell is going on?!?! As my vision Cleared I suddenly began to notice that the black stripes in front of my face weren't just my eyesight but actually big black iron bars. Surrounding me were small open space offices and policemen, lots of them. Talking, eating, on the phone, just loads of them; each one giving wary glances to me as I tried to stand up and found myself handcuffed to the bar. "Not again." I stare at my chained feet with a sigh. "A little phone call would have been easier than kidnapping"

"For the record we didn't kidnap you, you collapsed right at our feet. Seems like your friends bailed on you"

"No. No they wouldn't do that!" I look up in shock "Pammy would never leave me"

"Now now don't get upset, like you say I just want to talk" His voice was calm and friendly, trustworthy almost. Of course it was Commisioner Gordon, the patron saint of Gotham looking kindly at my face.

"Well what do you wanna talk about?"

"I think you can guess. Where is the joker?"

"No idea what'cha talkin' bout" i look shiftily at him.

"Fine why don't we do this a friendlier way. Would you like a coffee?"

"Milk and 10 sugars"

"Thats a lot of sugar"

"I need sweetening up i've had a rough day"

"Fair enough; Scotty two coffees, one black one with milk and 10 sugars" He nods towards a police officer then sits on the bench beside me.

"Whilst we wait, perhaps you can help me on a case. A dissapearance on a women I heard you were on good terms with"

he hands me a case file onto my knee and I stare at it in interest and then in shock.

"Joan Leeland... Oh god..."

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