Chapter 17- Hench Girl For Hire

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3 cups of coffee later and neither me nor Gordon were talking, only staring at one another as I slurped loudly and popped a few more sugars in for that extra kick. Mmm I just love sugar cubes! I had been at the police station for quite a while now, my head was still banging from the hangover and my legs appeared to be quite heavily bruised as if I had completely crashed into a truck at one point during my hallucination break down. It had been so long (well in my opinion) since I've had them I didn't realise they even existed still, but apparently they just like to come back and kick me in the ass once in a while just to remind me that my brain is still a massive douche. Anyway there's more important things to think about right now. Focus Harley.I glance down at Joan's file once more and pick it up, flipping through the pages idly even though I practically knew the majority off by heart. She was married, had a son, lived in a nice suburban area; yup Joan had her act together. Yet she went out late one night (the night or so before joker broke out) and just never returned. There was a voicemail found to her brother stating she was coming up to see the family because she just 'couldn't take this anymore'; and she never showed up. As for her son and husband they've gone upstate and haven't been in contact which to me seems all the bit bizarre. For starters Joan was up at the crack of dawn each morning she would never stay up so late, in fact she would whine at the Arkham New Year's Eve parties at around 9 cuz she was 'so tired'. As for her family, Joan doesn't seem the type to do a runner either I just don't get it. Her and her husband used to have problems though I mean I'm
sure she mentioned it... ugh if only I hadn't been so preoccupied I should have listened to her. Then again I'm a girl with an extreme hangover wearing an outfit even a prostitute may find indecent, aka I'm hardly in Sherlock solving mystery mode.

"Any of it ringing a bell?" Gordon asks hopefully, he gives a slight cough and leans back in his chair keeping his eyes fixed on me. He's got quite cute eyes actually, bet he was a real looker in his prime (especially the whole authority figure thing he's got going on).

"wha's it to y'a coppa? Even if I did it's not like I'm gonna be any help. I'm just the clown remember? So lemme go and I'll go off on my merry way and we'll just part and never see one another again. To me that sounds like a great idea."


"Harley. Harley Quinn"

he raises his hands up in defence and leans over to take the file away from me so he himself can study it, his face full of concern as he looks through papers. He talks to me as he does so.

"My apologies, Harley. Any information at this moment in time would be great; what was her husband like?"

"Never met the lucky fella, Joan liked him I guess"

"You guess?"

I shrug taking another sip

"We just never talked that way Gordy... What a shame. she's a good friend, you better find her soon otherwise you'll have me to deal with"

"How can we find her if even you won't co operate with the police?"

"The same police which tried to gun down my puddin in broad night light"

"I think it's broad day... You know what never mind. Speaking of which, the Joker. Now we could come to some agreement Harley if only you help. Now you're a new criminal in Gotham, just starting out; you've barely had a criminal record up til now. If you give Joker up you would be making the world so much better for Gotham, cleansing it from bad. You wanna make your name in the world Harley? Start by doing the right thing, then maybe we can do the right thing by focusing more time on finding Joan"

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