Chapter 7

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 I can't believe he would do that to me. I mean come on, I just gave birth for crying out loud. After that happened I called my friends over, and they brought Tigger with them. I had them cuddle the babies as Tigger and I talked. 

" Viv, are you alright?" Tigger worriedly asks.

"No why wouldn't I be." I say sarcastically.

"Fine but if I ever see that man anywhere near you......Let's just say, my Tiger might eat him. So I might need a lawyer." I stare then started laughing.

"You are one funny man. Tiffy is going to love you. So when's the big wedding." 

"That's just it, she wont marry me. "

"and Why not?"

"She doesn't want to because she thinks i'll cheat on her just like all of her other boyfriends. This would be so much easier if she had shifter blood. She would know that it would kill me, to cheat on her."

"Why don't you tell her, that." I ask as I grabbed, my little princess Becca, short for Rebbecca.

"I tried, but she wont listen to a word I say." He tears up a little.

 I sigh. "Were going to have to finish this conversation later. I have to feed my little girls. Would you take, my little gem Calli so I can feed Becca?"

"Sure." He grabs Calli and a stiffed legged Tiffy.


 I wish my stubborn little kit-Kat, would marry me. I wonder what's making her say no. I look down at little Calli, she is such a gem. Looks exactly like her mother. Beautiful blue eyes and soft brown downy hair. She goo goo's, and does a little gurgling. Then after a little bit, she starts screaming bloody murder. 

 I look helplessly at Tiffy, and she sighs. Grabbing the baby, she rocks her a little, and the little gem falls right asleep. I sneak up behind Tiffy, and wrapped my arms around her. She stiffens, then gradually leans back into me. 

 A deep growl erupts from down the corner, I look up and notice a man. Black hair and dark glowing eyes. I feel my tiger jump at the challenge of this strange man, and I growl right back. I was about to attack when I heard a loud threatning growl coming from Vivian's room. 

 So I stopped my growling and glared. I allow the man to pass, but took a snap at him. Just warning him not to do anything stupid. He growls back. The door slams shut and wakes up Calli, I am so Pickled off. I cradle Tiffy and Calli to my chest. 


 Men! You can't live with them and you can't live without them. I have Becca laying on my shoulder as I burp her. I glare as the intruder sits right by me. "So Dominic have you changed your mind about stealing my children away from their mother?"

"No, but I have an idea though." He tells me.

"Yea, and what makes you think, that I would listen to you anyway? You were trying to steal my kids from me."

"Just please listen." He begs me, so I decide to let him talk.

"Fine, just let me switch Becca, for Calli." I hand him Becca to switch the girls.

 After breast-feeding, I let him in to talk. 

"Okay, Now you have to hear me out. It came to me last night. The solution to our problem. We could get married and then we'll both have twenty-four access to the girls."

"Your ludacris, Why would I marry anyone other than my Mate."

"Well...Uh..Because no one these days ever finds their Mates. So I figure we could make each other happy. Both having our kids and each other. Maybe even have some kids of our own."

"That's sweet, really it is But why? I can't just marry a complete stranger."

"Please just give me some time to win you over. I know I can, Just give me a chance?"

"I'll think about it. But it's not a yes, because what your suggesting is crazy. Plain old crazy."

 He gets up to leave, stops, turns around and kisses me lightly on the lips. As our lips touched I got a jolt of like lightning. It felt amazing, I was on cloud nine. Just floating away in La-la-land. All to soon it ended, and as I watched him leave I was hit with a big dose of loneliness of the Mate I will probably never find. 


 I've never felt this way before, I mean I've tried to kiss other girls before. But my wolf tries to kill me and there was never the spark like I had with Vivian. If just a brush of her soft plump pale pink lips gave me a warm feeling, then what would a full blown kiss do?

 I'll probably never get to find out either. I hope she'll give me a chance. If only to have a companion, it gets pretty lonely with no one to wake up too, or no one to come home to. I want it all, a cozy home and a wife with kids, tons of kids.

  I already think of them as family. If she'll give me a chance I just know she'll fall in love with me, like I've fallen for her, and the twins. Maybe she is my Mate? and maybe I can convince her that she's mine. So we could live happily ever after. Yeah and maybe i'm prince charming. She'll never love me.


Somewhere deep in the woods a mysterious person plots, a way to get back at the wolves. Any wolves in particular, so the one's standing near the hospital are going to be the first to go.



Libby stands at the hospital intrance when she is tackled from behind. As the blackness consomes her. The last thought to cross her mind was. Why do I feel so warm and tingley. When a strange man, is kidnapping me?

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