Goddess Beneath the Moon

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      He woke to the chill of the wind on his skin and freya's warmth gone climbing from bed he hurried to the balcony beyond the open doors but she wasn't there.

      "Dammit."he hissed leaping from the balcony he listened closely for her thoughts which seemed wild and abandoned right now.

      They lead him around the back of the keep to the walled in courtyard leaping up onto the wall he looked down and spotted her, her feet were bared, her hair blown wildly by the wind, her face to the moon above, a large red stain down the front of her gown; panic set in until he noticed the dead wolves. He felt his eyes grow wide as she began to spin, lifting her dress at the sides as she danced to music that drifted up from the town below. Her feet moved fast, knees bending, back arching, body swaying with an abandonment that he'd never seen her have and something about it all was beyond enticing. The way she moved was fluid and flawless, she was his Moon Goddess. He'd always seen her as a Goddess but beneath the moon, her skin iced with moonlight, this wild and abandoned Freya thrilled him to no extent. As she arched her back once more he jumped to the ground and approached her slowly, wolf like, her head snapped towards him, the corners of her mouth tinged in red as she smiled at him; his heart stopped but she turned away and continued to dance.

      He approached her slowly, the belt about her waist made a jangling sound as her hips twisted and thrusted; she was mesmerizing. Finally reaching her he stood there and watched, feeling his tongue flick out across his lips. Lurching forward she reached for him then just as he reached back she pulled back and laughed out loud and took off running; she wanted him to chase her. Following her lead he chased after her, they wound around the great pillars that held up a domed structure in the middle of the courtyard, her weaving in and out of them. Once he was close to her but all he caught was a piece if the belt that hung down, a little gem cutting into his hand causing him to let out a hiss as she b-lined for the doors that led into the castle.

      Stopping only brief enough to assess the cut he hurried behind her, she fled up the stairs and towards their room when he entered the room she stood in the center, her chest heaving, running to him she grabbed his hands and returned to her dance from the courtyard; she was much more limber and lith than he was. Then fast pace of the song from below slowed and so did her movements as she held onto him and leaning back she let her hands slowly slide down his arms raising gooseflesh on them.

      Pulling her to him he looked in her glowing eyes, ever more like the sunlit sky, slowly his lips descended upon hers, she returned his kiss as his hands slipped to the back of her gown where he swiftly untied the dress and pulled it from her shoulders. Stepping back he took a deep breath, her breasts had been left fuller, her skin was now snow white, the little buds only slightly darker pink and all the bruises were gone; she was flawless. He finished removing the dress slowly to discover she wore not a stitch of undergarments. He let his eyes trail over her as he stood, pausing briefly at the soft triangle between her thighs then on up to her face glowing in the shafts of moonlight from the glass balcony doors.

      Without a slight hint of nervousness she stripped him as well, once he was barred he pulled her flush with him, she no longer quite melted into him, but this body he knew he could not break so easily. Lifting her he carried her to their bed where he soon got lost in her. In her scent, in the warmth and strength with which her body gripped him, in her feathery lips upon his throat and chest and in her quiet moans. It was the longest night he had ever had with her and he relished every moment until their bodies lay trembling and slick with blood sweat as they both breathed out a sigh and drifted to rest.

      A bird chirping and I light hum filled his ears, sitting up he found her brushing her hair and humming at the vanity; her hair had grown quite long sense the day they first married and stealthily she weaved a ribbon into the long braid she made. She wore a red dress that made the icing of her skin even lovelier for him to behold.

      "I think I like this color on you." he muttered approaching her from behind and caressing the expanse of her throat and then kissing it and her shoulder gently.

      "I want to see him today, you promised." she stated bluntly, demandingly.

      "Ok, you can see them both today, him and Amelia and we need to name him." he muttered then flitting to the wardrobe he chose an outfit that would accent her's well.

      "Shall we go to the Study?"

      "Yes." she muttered then eagerly linked her arm with his.

      He left her in the Study then went in search of Francois which he found in the dining hall with the infant, Amelia and Yvette feeding the two breakfast.

      "For now she'll meet with just this little guy." he said feeling a wide smile cross his face as he took him from a worried Yvette, "It's fine." he simply stated then headed back out with Francois in tow.

      He found her pacing in the Study nervously, her dainty hands twisting together; approaching her slowly he studied her actions. Her head snapped up and she took a deep breath but nothing more she even waited for him to reach her, holding out her arms she awaited her son.

     "I'm fine...give him to me...please." she pleaded.

      Eyeing her he laid their son in her arms her eyes going wide as blood tears welled up in them, "He's so beautiful." she gasped lowly then sunk down into the chair by the fire and cuddling him gently she wept.

      "He is, he has your eyes, your curls but my hair color." he said with bride, he felt their boy had gotten the best features of both.

      Suddenly she let out a tiny yelp and pulled him away from her chest where a small crescent mark was just above her breast where his face had been.

      "He bit me! He has teeth!" she gasped.

      "Uh yeah...kind of...their only tiny little teeth buds right now they'll grow out though just faster than a regular human baby; he will grow quicker period."

      "But once he reaches 16 he'll slow down greatly he has teh capability as living just as long as the three of us; what shall you two name him?"

      "Xander Francois von Brighton." she whispered lowly he felt his eyes widen as Francois quickly turned his face away but he knew how it had affected Francois.

      "Then that shall be his name." he agreed willingly, Francois had been there when he could not be it was the least he deserved.

       The door creaked, quickly he reached down and wiped the blood from Freya's breast as Yvette and Amelia came in the room, looking up at him Freya handed Xander to him then rushed to her sister.

      "Amelia!" she cried, "My precious Amelia!"

      "Big sister are you better now?" Amelia asked nervously eyeing and no doubt noticing the change in Freya but then it was as if she didn't care as she hugged her sister tightly.

      "Come say hello to your little nephew Xander Francois von Brighton." Freya said excitedly as they hurried back over to him.

      Taking Xander gently in her arms she sat down, he drifted to her side and placed his hand on her shoulder as Amelia squealed happily that the baby had been named. He knew some day they would have to tell Amelia but for now...for now he wanted them just to be a big happy family as Francois and Yvette drifted closer he knew all his dreams had come true.

       "Mine too." she whispered, " I couldn't ask for more.

  © Eva Henderson, 2016 

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