Conception Before War

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      The call for a Revolution had been growing in heat, he'd been spending so much time away from Freya these days; his gut told him war was coming and there was no stopping it. Looking up he smiled as Freya came in the room sulking, her beauty never ceased to amaze him. Without a word she grabbed down a book and tucking her legs beneath her nestled into a chair. Anything to at least feel his presence he assumed. Rising from his desk he approached her slowly and lifting her with ease, cradling her in his arms, he took the seat she had just been sitting in; instantly she melted into him her warmth causing his cold cells to sing.

      "I've missed you." she whispered.

      In fate he had met her nearly 16 years ago during a business deal with her father, he still remembered her smiling face, the wind in her hair bouncing her curls as she chased a butterfly; nuzzling his face in her hair he sighed, there was nothing he would not give her or do for her now. The notion of War frightened him, not because he frightened easily, but because he had everything to lose. Kissing her head gently he closed his eyes tightly as tears threatened.

      "You should see the restoration, it's very nearly complete." she mumbled as if trying to break the silence, "You wouldn't recognize the place now it's grown so much more beautiful." she continued in her tiny, sateen voice.

      "I have all the beauty I need right here." he muttered then rubbed her arms gently, how he wanted to deeply ingrain this into his mind, her softness pressed against him, the bouquet that was her blood and her blood alone surrounding him, even the searing pain the thirst for her blood brought upon him; he felt a sticky tear slide down his face and quickly wiped it away lest she see.

      Taking her book from her gently he stood with her and carried her to their chambers he wanted to feel and taste all she had to offer, including a little sip of her blood again; only a sip. He unclothed her slowly, memorizing every detail as he stoked the flames he felt burning in her core through her skin and brought her to levels of passion that she struggled to comprehend. All night he made love to her; something in him was telling him that he was saying goodbye momentarily but he knew to her he would always return.

      Once she had been sedated with passion and his sip of her blood he'd taken he sat at their window staring at the early May sun rising. In the distance he could hear it, the noises he had tried to ignore, the sounds of looting and battle; would it reach this Mansion in the deep could it's fingers reach this far?

      Looking over at her he smiled, she was sweetly replaying last night in her dreams. Moving to the bed he climbed in beside her and kissed her forehead gently only for her to roll over and embrace him.

      A loud knock suddenly sounding at their bedroom door roused her and she stretched languidly; there seemed to be something different about her this morning that he couldn't quite pinpoint. The knock sounded again only more urgently.

      "Mi'Lord...Mi'Lord!" Francois' voice called frantically causing his stomach to plummet.

      Grabbing up some clothing for them he handed her a dress then dressed himself and they both answered Francois call.

      "What is it Francois? There better be a good reason for waking Freya." he snarled out at the clearly distraught Francois.

      He and Francois had been friends for many years, in fact, they were very nearly of the same ilk in a way; his father had changed them both. He had been young when Francois had been changed and just 27 when he'd been changed, if his father hadn't changed him he would have died a long time ago.

      Finally they reached the Study and francois glanced nervously from Freya to him, "Whatever it is can be discussed in front of her." he responded quickly.

      "'ve been summoned Mi''ve been called to defend your country and countrymen." Francois struggled out as his eyes drifted closed; he would have to battle once more.

      Opening his eyes slowly he looked at a wide eyed and frightened Freya, "This...this cannot be..." she struggled to say.

      "I regretfully must disagree, that it can...and is true." Francois said a deep frown marring his handsome face; he'd always been a finely featured man unlike himself who was a little more rugged.

      "When must I leave?" he questioned as he closed his eyes and placing his elbows on the desk he made a steeple of his fingers and brought them subconsciously to his lips.

      Francois glanced around nervously, and shook his head no as if he was attempting to refuse to tell him, his eyes closing.

      "When must I go?!" He partially bellowed.

      Looking up Francois looked at Freya and frowned deeply, "Today Mi'Lord...a...a carriage already awaits you." he choked out.

      His eyes closed as pain, anger and fear all exploded within him at the same time. Screaming he stood up and slammed his hands on his desk, the wood cracking as papers went flying everywhere; he was seeing red. Somewhere in his rage he heard a tiny whimper that shattered his heart. Opening his eyes he looked at Freya that was now crying, hidden partially behind Francois.

      "You must calm yourself Xander." Francois hissed, he so rarely called him by name that it shocked him a little. Looking over his old friend he noted that Francois would protect Freya with his life, as cool and disconnected as Francois acted he had grown fond of Freya.

      "Promise me something Francois...If war gets within a hundred yards of here that you will flee with Freya."

      "Xander..." Francois stated.

      "Promise me this Francois!" he demanded.

      "Yes Mi'Lord, by life or limb I will protect Freya and get her as far away from war as possible." he answered, his chin jutting up slightly; to him and him alone he would intrust this task.

      A maid popped her head in, "Mi'Lord, it is time." she stated with a sad note.

      Rushing to Freya he all but shoved Francois out of the way and pulled her into a hard hug making sure not to harm her.

      "I love you Freya." he said his voice crackling.

      "Please...don't leave me!" she cried, "I love you too but stay!" she cried harder, those words slipping from her lips threatened to shatter his resolve; they made him contemplate just fleeing with her and abandoning both his country and countrymen.

      Kissing her deeply he pried her off of him and turning on heel he headed for the door only to find his hand grabbed.

      "Xander! Don't leave!" she screamed and cried, her anguish making her voice crackle and peak.

      Suddenly his hand was released and looking back partially he found her feet off the ground and Francois' arms snug around her waist.

      "Xander!" her scream followed, "Xander no, no no no no Xander!" she continued.

       Closing his eyes briefly he hurried out the Mansion and into the awaiting carriage, her criers following him as the carriage took off at a high speed.

      "Come home to us." he heard a voice whisper as if carried on the breeze, it was a voice he could never forget.

      "Avonlea..." he muttered, "If your spirit does haunt those woods help Francois keep an eye on Freya until I return." he whispered as the Mansion vanished into the woods.

  © Eva Henderson, 2016 

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