Mansion in the Deep, the First Night

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       Once I was out we rushed through the rain to a fortress of a mansion that loomed even darker against the dark of night. It seemed we had traveled deep within a wood, there were so many trees that I could barely see the night sky.

      "Ah, but it is late, are you hungry my dear." he questioned as they stepped into the front hall; the ceilings soared at least 12 feet high she thought and were ornately decorated in murals of the day time sky; in fact the entire hall was covered in a feeling of daytime.

      I nodded my head, still trying to take in all that my eyes now beheld; even my home was not this fancy.

      "Come must eat something." he whispered softly then taking my hand he led me to a kitchen deep within the house, "You are welcome to anything in the icebox, and, you'll find that despite my stature I am an amazing chef." he grinned widely at me; his smile was so beautiful and dazzling that I opened the box and peaked in.

      In the end he ended up making me little sandwiches, with roasted beef and dressing with thin slices of cheese melted between the slices of baguette and seared nicely on both sides.

      "So tell me about yourself Freya?" he questioned as I took a nibble off a sandwich., "I want to know everything there is to know about you, I want to know your dreams, your hopes, what you pray for before you go to bed at night." he said softly, reaching out and wiping a smudge of sauce off the corner of my lip.

      "That's a lot of stuff to know." I muttered lowering my gaze, "I...I want..." I whispered softly unsure.

      "What is it?" he questioned, his eyes glittering behind the mask he had still not removed.

      Standing up from where I'd taken a seat I approached him slowly and nervously reached up, at first he stepped a step back from me, then stayed in place as I removed the mask slowly. His hand shot up and he clasped the mask and my fingers gently.

      "I want to see whom I've married." I whispered lowly then moving with me he allowed me to remove the mask, a stray strand of hair falling down and covering his left eye.

      Gently I brushed it aside to discover the long scar across his eye, it started at the arch of his brow then ended at his high cheek bone; his face however remained the single most beautiful face I had ever seen on a man. Suddenly my fingers began to tremble as I stared at him, turning he hid that side of his face.

      "Do not are beautiful." I whispered then setting the mask on the counter I turned his face towards me and gingerly traced the scar his eyes slipping closed as I did so.

      I found myself wanting to know every sinew of his body and face, slowly I trailed my fingertips down his cheek then to his petal pink lips which trembled beneath my fingertips.

      "Freya..." he whispered, his cool breath tickling my fingers. 

      "So beautiful." I whispered again as I drank in his face then nervously standing on tiptoe I pressed my lips to his.

      Suddenly his hands were all over me as his kiss hardened and deepened setting my core ablaze.

      "Freya..." he whispered then stepping back he composed himself, "you should eat then rest, morning grows near you must be even more tired."

      Frowning I took my seat and began to eat offering him a bite which he refused politely. After I finished eating he cleaned the plate then taking my waist he led me up the grand stairway in the main hall. Then down a hall to the left where we stopped before two great doors which he swung open onto a bedroom fit for a king.

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