Devil's Tears, Fleeing the House of Brighton

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      Francois felt his chest tighten as he watched Lady Amelia's tiny hand hold out a bite of the pastries he'd made to Freya his heart clenching painfully; they'd tried so hard to hide things from Amelia; he had to turn away.

     "I...if you'll excuse me Mi'Lady...I should go and start to prepare dinner." he said as straight faced as he could, "Please keep an eye on them for me Yvette." he muttered then turning on his heel he left the room.

      Once in the kitchen his anger exploded and he swiped all the dishes off the counter and growled lowly, "Dammit! Why can't I do this...she's fading and I can't seem to stop it!" he said angrily slamming his fist down on the counter.

      His anger raged within him coupled with excruciating sadness, he'd felt her bones in their thin casing of skin and in her thoughts he heard how they ached as she sat in the chair, how the baby moving made her hurt.

      "How do I sustain them both?!" he growled as he watched one of his own tears fall upon his white skin, "Xander...I don't know what to do." he muttered then turning around he leaned against the counter and slid down it and leaning his head on his knees he allowed himself to weep.

      He'd been spending his days half starved and still yet she couldn't keep the food down so what good did it do sustaining the baby if he could not sustain both; what was he missing? Just then it hit him, Xander, it was Xander's seed, it was Xander's blood was Xander's blood the baby needed.

      Closing his eyes he let his 3rd eye stretch out before him, he let his ears hear and his mind feel seeking out Xander but they fell short as his eyes flew open the war was encroaching, they'd be hear by tomorrow evening at the rate they were traveling, the enemy was nearly knocking on their door!

      Standing up swiftly he left the kitchen and ran to the study, "We must go now!" he called out immediately, "They are coming, do not ask how I know just trust me now!" he said urgently.

      Three pairs of eyes looked at him wide eyed, "But she cannot travel!" Lady Amelia and Yvette squeaked in almost unison.

      "I know, but she must." he felt a frown mar his face, even in the carriage it would not be comfortable for her, "I will prepare the carriage there is little time to spare we must head out tonight!"

      With those final words he rushed out to the carriage house his eyes growing wide with rage as he looked over the carriage, he would have to fix the wheel but he didn't have the means to do so. Frantically he looked around the barn for an extra wheel only to find none.

      "Dammit!" he screamed then kicking out busting a hole in the carriages side, "Dammit!" he screamed again then ran back to the house where he found Freya, Amelia and Yvette waiting for him.

      "What is it Francois?!" Freya squeaked weakly.

      "The wagon wheel is busted, there's no time to fix it and I haven't the stuff to fix it!" he seethed.

      "What are we going to do?!" Yvette demanded.

      "They'll be here by tomorrow evening or night...we must ride." he said apologetically looking at Freya.

      Grimacing she frowned then looking at her stomach and then Amelia she squared her thin shoulders, "Then ride we must." she stated.

      "We head for Mi'Lords home deep in the mountains, no one dares travel there and I am sure they would not look so far out, that place hasn't seen anyone other than myself, Mi'Lord and Sir Brighton in centuries." rushing to the closet he pulled out two of Freya's winter coats and one of Xander's coats, "Put these on, come her Lady Amelia." he ordered.

      When she obeyed frightfully he put Xander's coat on her then using a scarf he tied it tightly about her waist; she had come with nothing and they had not gotten a chance to get her a winter coat yet as no where was selling or making any.

      "This should do you, I know it's a bit big but..." he trailed off then looked at Yvette, how beautiful she looked in Freya's fur lined coat, "Amelia rides with you, I will take on the challenge of Mi'Lady riding with me. If we are able to and we ride hard and fast we should make it there by nightfall would be unwise to stop in a town in these dark times."

      With those words he rushed off into the kitchen where using his powerful speed he packed enough food for the three into a burlap sack then returned to them.

      "Take this Yvette, hook it to the saddle I can have no burden other than Freya." he stated her eyes widening as he spoke of Freya informally, "Let's go." he said then approaching Freya he held out his arms, "May I?" he questioned trying to show he was not simply being rude when she shook her head yes he scooped her up, "I am sorry Mi'Lady." he mumbled, he was sorry at the hiss that issued from her when he lifted her and he was sorry she had to ride in her condition, "We'll take my horse and Lord Xander's they are the fastest." Yvette nodded at him then they headed out.

      Once in the stables he set Freya on her feet and swung up on his horse then leaning he reached down for her and with Yvette's help he tucked her side saddle into his stone embrace. Then he watched as Yvette placed Amelia on Xander's horse then swung up behind her, grabbing a saddle blanket from a door he wrapped it around Freya then spurred his horse on.

      "Easy, but swiftly Nightshade." he ordered the horse, then looking at Xander's horse he looked it in the eye, "Swiftly now Shadowfang." he ordered the horse then they were off.

      The road ahead he knew was long and was going to be painful for Freya but he had to keep her as safe as possible and he alone could not take on the army that was heading towards Brighton's mansion. He kept his eyes and ears alert as they raced against time.

 © Eva Henderson, 2016

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