Lady Amelia

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      She'd been there a month, the place was huge compared to what had been her home, she didn't have anyone to really play with however because Frey was always sick and in bed.

      She sat with her tiny slippered feet swinging off the edge of a stool as the handsome butler guy she'd heard her sister call Francois delicately created flower shaped pastries for her. 

      "What'chu doin mister?" she asked tilting her head to the side.

      "Lady Freya wants to try and sit in the study with you and spend time with you today because it's her birthday so I'm hoping these desserts will make her smile." he answered in his calm voice.

      "What's wrong with Frey?" she questioned innocently, confusedly.

      "Well she's carrying a baby's making her feel sick." he responded again only stuttering a little this time.

      "Baby's make people sick...then why do they have babies?"


      "Because it's what mommies and daddies do, I've set up some new toys in the playroom so go play ok, let Francois finish making these desserts." the lady called Yvette said.

      She liked these two they were nice and always good to her sister but they didn't play much either. Frowning to herself she wandered off and upstairs to a guest room they had slowly turned to a playroom, inside she found a doll house that still smelled of fresh cut wood and paint. Eagerly she grabbed up the dolls beside it and began to play quietly, eagerly looking forward to when she'd get to spend time with Freya.


      Francois let out a sigh of relief, "You really saved me there Yvette." he muttered after Lady Amelia had left, "I'd forgotten how many questions a 6 year old asked." as if to exaggerate he wiped his forehead with his hand.

      Yvette walked up and wiped his cheek with a low giggle then popped her finger in her mouth, "Tastes delicious." she chimed happily, "And you're welcome." she muttered then standing on tiptoe she kissed his cheek gently her warm lips sending a tingling feeling throughout him; her scent however reminded him of other things.

      Setting down the pastry he'd been working on he wrapped his arms around her tiny waist and pulled her to him, "You smell divine." he whispered in her ear then nuzzled her neck eliciting a giggle from her.

      "Francois, stop it...what if Lady Amelia comes back?" she giggled again.

      "Oh, but, I don't think she will, her new doll house I built should keep her quite entertained." he growled lowly then nuzzling her neck again he kissed it tenderly bending her partially backwards as he let his teeth sink in, "Mnm..." he moaned as the first gush of her blood touched his tongue and slid down his throat.

      "Francois..." she said in a return moan as she wrapped her arms around him and pressed closer to him.

      Pulling back he licked the wounds then quickly licked his lips, "Give me 5 minutes." he muttered then kissed her tender lips.

      Giggling she nodded and went to making tea. He finished the last 4 desserts then placed them in the oven to bake then turning he snatched her hand after she set the teapot on the fire and drug her to the pantry.

      Once in the pantry he locked the door and stared at her, "You're 18 now...right Yvette?" he questioned to which she flushed and panicked a little.

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