The Lady Avonlea

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      I clung tightly to Xander as we rushed back. Upon arriving home we were greeted by Francois who had a sling on one arm, in the stables and much to my relief Chaucer was there.

      My stiff fingers were hard to move as Xander tried to get me to release him and with great effort I finally managed; a coldness seemed to be settling in my core.

      "I am sorry I failed you Mi'Lady." Francois muttered then awkwardly got to one knee, "If it were not for Chaucer running home without you I would not be here and you might have still been lost out there; I beg your forgiveness." he finished, bowing his head deeply.

      "I will deal with you later Francois." Xander snarled out.

      A wave of tears flooded forward again as I felt my knees were going to buckle, could it be that I was in shock?"

      Sweeping me off my feet  Xander rushed me to the house and into the study where he sat me in front of the fireplace and draped a blanket about my shoulders. Slowly the heat warmed me but it only seemed to reach skin deep, my core remained ice cold as my body began to tremble and I was drifting somewhere between the running away and the fear in my mind.

      Slowly Xander's face came into focus as he dabbed at my cheek with a cloth dampened with something that smelt funny and burnt a little.

      "I'm sorry...I should have...I should have gone with you...I should have set my papers aside...I've been so preoccupied...this damned impending war..." he hissed.

      "War?" I questioned confusedly.

      "It's nothing, are you hurt anywhere else? Look at your dress it's destroyed." he continued, his words stumbling over each other.

      "Avonlea..." I whispered lowly, my heart still ached for her in her tower of solitude; his hand froze on my cheek.

      "W...where did you hear that name..." he questioned, was that pain that tightened his voice?

      "She...she saved me...that man...I tried to swing a sword...I was too weak...that man...she scared him away." I stuttered out as my teeth were beginning to chatter as the memory of the man staring at me invaded my mind.

      I let out a loud scream and covered my ears, "Stay away from me!" I screamed again at the man in my mind, Xander threw his arms around me and pulled me too him tightly.

      "You're're home..." Xander called in almost a cooing voice; I was trembling violently now, "Maybe a hot bath will sooth you." he muttered then lifting me gently he carried me to our room and I noted for the first time it was dark outside.

      Once in our bathroom he quickly unclothed me, checking my entire body for anymore scratches and cleaning those he found then running me a bath he set me in the tub gently then pulling up a stool he gently washed my hair, the water running dark with tinges of red now and again.

      When he finished bathing me he put me in one of my flannel gowns and carried me to the bed where he lay me down then after lighting the fireplace and stripping to his under garment he climbed in bed with me and pulled me close. Holding me tightly it seems he hummed a soothing old song.

      I must have dozed off as I began to dream...there was a woman, she was frightened and in lot's of pain. It was as if I were standing over her as she writhed in pain; was she trying to give birth. Suddenly the scene changed and the front of her gown and her sheets were bloodied and Xander was there on his knees holding her hand and he was weeping tears of blood, crying something about being too late.

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