Restoration, Domination

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      It was a month into the restoration that Xander had promised Lady Avonlea, I had begged to be taught how to wield a sword and as punishment for the incident with the bandits it was Francois who was to spar with me. We stood in an open field as mortar and stone were replaced in the tower, I wore a dress with no petticoats and no corset; we were sparring.

      Bending at my knees I dodged a blow from Francois wooden sword, then lunging forward I caught him behind the knees and sent him sprawling; the wooden sword made a loud crack on his legs which oddly thrilled me.

      "I think that is enough for the day Mi'Lady." Francois called, "The flowers have arrived." he continued, grinning I waked him across the back as he was distracted which sent him falling on his face, quickly I rushed to stand over him with the wooden sword at his throat; I felt victorious and powerful never before had I felt this way.

      "You look like you're enjoying yourself too much Mi'Lady." Francois stated flatly.

      Without replying I stepped over him to the cart of evergreens. Picking out a vibrant red bush I looked up at the tower window where Lady Avonlea's spirit stood, she nodded her head yes so I ordered them to be planted around the base of the tower; it seemed I was just about the only one that could see her. Going through plant after plant I got her opinion as I attempted to beautify the cemetery she was forced to look upon daily.

      Gravestones were being patched up, dead plants and weeds removed, and it seemed like everyday that had passed a new spot turned greener, healthier; but Xander he stayed away.

      As the days went by, with each spar, with every task completed, even those I occasionally chose to get my hands dirty with the workers, I felt as if I were growing stronger and before I knew it another month had passed and buildings were going up, on this particular day I watched from one of the towers higher up windows from a newly rebuilt step with Lady Avonlea right next to me.

      "You've grown so much stronger goes it?" she questioned me, "Have you learned how to persuade him?" 

      "'ve hardly seen each other...seats are heating up...they talk of a revolution in the cities and he is gone all the time." I said with a sigh.

      "He will get involved...he will defend his country, his countrymen and his land." she stated gloomily."

      "I know." I muttered, I tried hard not to think about it.

      "He will return...he always does."

      "Lea..." I began, "Does it...hurt...does it...cause you pain, seeing me, knowing he is with another woman."

      "Yes...and no, my time of flesh has passed...and...while it pains me some it would pain me more if he stayed lonely for the rest of his eternity." she stated then made a face like she had said too much.

      "His...eternity?" I nearly spelled out.

      "It is late, he will worry." she said telling me she would answer no more questions.

      "Mi'Lady!?" Francois called from below, "It is time to return."

      "Will you come and see me again soon Freya? Seeing you makes things a little less lonely and you and the workers have breathed new life into this place in turn helping me bring this place back to life."

      "Yes, I promise and once again I'll try to get him to come even if he chooses to do it alone." I whispered as Francois called from below again, 


      Smiling at her I hurried down the stairs and we were off. Upon arriving home I discovered from the maids that he still was holed up in his study all day; I had had enough he would at least come out to eat something.

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