Chapter 16

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Once we went to the hotel, I was concerned about going to the room that I shared with Zak. I kept close to Nick while we were trying to get stuff taken care of. Then it was time to go to the rooms. I walked with Zak to our room. Iwas really hoping that he wouldn't say anything until after we got some sleep.

"Lea, please listen to me." Zak said as we got ready for some sleep.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"What I saw, was horrible. I wish that you hadn't one through that. I wish that it was me that had went through that. I wish that I could have taken it for you." He told me. I looked at him and felt like my heart was melting.

"Zak, it was mine to take. There is nothing that you could have done to stop it." I told him. I then crawled in my bed and Zak came over to me.

"I am and always will be on your side. There is nothing that can change that." He told me softly. He then walked to his bed and I saw that he was about to sleep there.

"Damn it. Get in." I told him. He smiled at me and came to my bedside. I moved so that he could get in and he grabbed me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and I rested my head on his chest.

"Why are you so forgiving to me about what you saw? Shouldn't you be cringing and running away and out of the room from me?" I asked him. I knew that it was late and that he was tired, but I really wanted to know why he was acting like this.

"I wouldn't do that to you. Besides, what I saw wasn't something that would send me running away from you." He whispered to me.

"Are you sure? Because I wouldn't blame you, if you did. It was pretty bad." I said. I was secretly hoping that he would get away from me. I wanted him to. Just so that I didn't have any more feelings towards him. 

"Lea, what I saw was a woman being tortured. You had your hands tied above your head and you were trying to get away from him. I know what I saw and I don't understand why you are acting like this." He explained. I sighed and grabbed him a little tighter. 

"Because I am scared. I want you to get out and away from me while you can." I told him. 

"I am not leaving you. If you want to go, you can. I won't let you leave easily, but I am not going to leave you." He told me. I sighed and closed my eyes. 


*2 weeks later*

I have gotten my own apartment. I was able to get one near Aaron. He seemed to be really happy that I was living so close to him. I was able to get it with all the furniture in it. It was really nice and it wasn't too far from Zak's place. Zak wasn't thrilled about me moving out, but he seemed to be happy for me.

Leonard and his antics seem to be going down. I was getting worried, at first, but it was just him. He was using too much of his energy. The black mass still follows me around. I hadn't been able to get rid of it, with all of the traveling and working. 

All the guys had a key to my apartment. I wanted them all to be able to get in. I knew what would happen to me when I lived alone. I was more vulnerable to attacks and stuff of that nature. I just needed to know that my friends would be able to get to me. 

"Hey! It's Billy!" I heard Billy say as he came in my apartment. I was in the kitchen when he came in. I walked to the door and he was looking around.

"What's up?" I asked him. He rarely came by. This was maybe his second time to come by with out one of the others.

"I was just coming by to say hi. I just haven't seen you in a while." He told me. I smiled at him and we went into my living room. Our last trip was to a place in California and that was about a week ago.

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