Part 66

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-The Next Day @Orphanage-

"What we will do here?" I ask

He gave me a picture and it's me, him and wait this is Aisaka! Why is she here?

"Who is this girl?" I ask and point the child.

"It's Tereize! When you met her she call you Mom and he call me Dad because we have same color of hair like her, That's why he think we are her parents."Seijuro said.

"But--" I cut off

"Aiya!"A old lady call me!

"Hello!"I greet

"How is Tereize!" said the old lady.

"Tereize?" me and Seijuro ask

"Yes! Aiya don't you remeber? Your Mom adopt Tereize 10 years ago."The old lady said.

Yes I know that Aisaka is adpoted but I don't know the she is Tereize! Mom said that I ask a favor to adopt Aisaka and Mom adopted her here in Japan. Yes I know here in Japan.But I don't know where. Mom didn't tell me.

"Mom said to me that I ask her to adopt Aisaka and then when I turn 18 I adpot Aisaka from my Mom and I'm now the mother. Mom don't tell where she adpot Aisaka... So Aisaka and Tereize are only one?" I ask

"Yes! Your Mom change the name of Tereize to Aisaka and change her surname to your surname."Said the lady.

"You don't have a husband?" Seijuro ask

"I didn't say I have a husband." I utter.

Seijuro smile at me,

"I thought all the time you already married and have a daughter. When I met Aisaka I was wondering that we already met and now all this time she is Tereize that we promise to adopt her!"Seijuro said.

"Are you not???" Ask the old lady

"No! We are not!" I answer. She is reffering about if we are husband andd wife.

"Wait! What promise?" I added

"You promise to Tereize who is Aisaka now that you will adopt her."Seijuro said

"Did I promise that?"I ask

"Yes! Your promise is already done."Seijuro said.

I close my eyes and try to remeber it again! After a minute!

"Oh Thank you that we go here! I remember that! When I promise to Tereize that I will adopt her and the time that she enter in our buss that we didn't notice her then we sleep at your mansion! Thank you! "I said and kiss him on cheeks. I giggle.

"You said that I always kiss you at cheeks! Your single right?" I added

He didn't answer he just smile. Wha! Is he married? Or in a relationship! 

"No one will get mad at me right? Still Mr.Akashi?" I ask again.

He nod and hug me then hug him back! I feel again that I'm safe with him and my heart again! I think I'm too old for this feeling. Am I?

Bad Girl meets Emperor (Kuroko No Basuke - Akashi Seijuro)Where stories live. Discover now