Part 5

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Aiya’s POV

This is my second day here at the Club! Yesterday was a bad day! I cleaned the whole gym by myself! I can’t denai, because it’s my first day and he is our captain but there is still next time to do my revenge!
But I think he just did that because, he thought that if he do that I will give up and I think too that He will make my life miserable by cleaning the whole gym but it’s a big ‘NO’ because I’m not easily giving up in one thing! I will revenge in what he did to me yesterday! I will start to make his life miserable!

The team started to practice and I’m with Momoi watching them, giving them some towel and water. When the time past and near to end the practice I went to the lockers room of the team and find where is the locker of Akashi!
Since they call me by First Name I will call them by Surname. :-)

Searching! This? No! this? No again! Here! Bingo! I found it!

I open it and it’s clean! I mix his thing jumble it, mess it and then! I put a gum on the door of his locker so that it will be hard to open! Hahahaha!

When I’m done I leave the room with my nijja moves and exactly they are finish! :D I put lots of chewed gum on the door of his locker.

Akashi clap his hand that make everyone get their attention

“Okay Let’s call it a day!” He shouted

“Arigato!” We all said and they go in the locker’s room to change.

Ops! I need to go! Skip skip! Ditch! Ditch! Ditch! Hahahaha!

“Momoi I need to go! Bye bye!” I said to Momoi while running and waving my hand!

“Okay Good bye! Take care!”She said and run faster leaving the school.

Momoi’s POV

Looks like Aiya-san is on hurry,  she exactly go home when Akashi dismiss the team!


Ops! Is that Captain? The one who shout?!


I’m busted!

“Coming!” I cry

And when I get there!

“Who did this!” Akashi ask sound pissed off.

No one is talking. 

"Where’s Aiya?!” He ask!

Oh! Oh! Oh! Where's Aiya?! Where's Aiya?!!

“She-she she went home!” I answer

“I knew it! She did this!” Akashi said!

I look at his locker and I saw some chewed gums and his thing is so messy.

“Okay go back to your own business!” He said

Ah! That’s what Aiya said that she is a Bad girl! I didn't expect she did it. Is she doing a revenge at Akashi? I think so but she need to be ready for tomorrow.

---The Next day-----

Aiya’s POV

Hmmm! I feel so good today! I’m early today and there no students around.  I’m on the corridor going to my locker! I’m thinking what is the reaction of Akashi??? I think he looks like when Charmander fire erupt, the pokemon of Ash ..Whahaha! Imaging this is like Hahaha!

I’ll just get my things on my locker.

And when I open it.


“Why there are lots of garbage here!” I ask to myself.

There are lots of garbage on my locker and when I open it the garbage spilled at me! ARrrggg! My uniform is already dirty! And...and I smell bad! Argh! I will kill who ever did this!

“stinky smell!” I heard a boy voice.

And it’s Akashi Seujiro

“Arrgggg! You did this!” I shout

“Clean that or else I will gonna complain it to the principal.” He said and have a evil smile at me and walk away!

He did it!  I need to clean this and I need to change my clothes before the students come.

I clean the mess and then when I’m on the gate of Teiko some student’s are looking at me, I think because of my clothes, there are food colors on it and maybe the smell.

The way they look at me! Argh!

“What!” I shouted at them

Nothing Ma’am! were sorry!” They apologies and walk away

I walk at the hallway going home. Thank you there are only few people! Because  It’s too early. I’ll hate you Akashi Seujiro! You will see!

Momoi’s POV

I’m here at school and Aiya is not around, it’s almost time and the bell will ring in a few minutes.

And after a minute the bell ring and we sat on our desk, she is still not here! The teacher came and then Aiya came. She enter the room and she look angry at Akashi. If starring can kill. Maybe Captain is already died.

“Ehem!Excuse me, why are you late?”ask the teacher.

“None of your business.” She answer. I think she’s not on the mood and her aura... Heavy aura.

“What!” The teacher shout and sound pissed off.

“I’m sorry Ma’am. I said it’s too personal I can’t say it to you.” Aiya-san said

Too personal??? It’s about family. What happen?

“Okay! But never be late again okay.” Our teacher said

“Yes Ma’am.”Aiya said and look out side of the window. What happening? What's the problem huh?


kon'nichiwa!!!! ^_^

How are you guys? Feeling great??

Please still support my story until the end!

Sorry if sometimes there is a wrong grammar, sorry for that!

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Arigatou gozaimasu! :D


6:58 pm

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