Part 34

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We are here now at the mansion of Akashi's.

"This is big!" Mika said

"Yeah. Your right." I said

"Where are your maids?" I ask.

no maids around.

"They have their day off that's why you are here to witch them." he said while going up stairs.

"What we will clean your house?" I ask with a high voice.

"No one can talk to me like that." He said.

I think we start again to the beggining. Cold to each other. But he will gonna make us his maid!


"Don't worry. You will just cook and wash the dish." he said and he go to his room..

"Is that really you?" Mika ask

"Yes? I'm your bestfriend. Why don't you want the things that change to me?" I ask

"I want. It's just strange looking."

"Okay lets go to the kitchen to cook for are meal." I said


and we go to the kitchen and cook something. When we are done.

"Smells good! you're really good in cooking." Mika said.

"Thank you.Lets put it on the table." I said and Mika nod.

We cook  Ramen,Yakitori,Shushi,  Rice Balls and Vegtables too.

And when everything is ready.

"I will just call him." I said to Mika and she nod theb I go up stairs.

When I'm at his door.

and I will knock first but he open door even I didn't knock. Did he already know?


"The food is prepaired." I said

"Say to Mika that she can eat but you will not eat. Then go back here when hse is done." he said close the door.


Tsk! That Seijuro Akashi! I'm hungry did you know that! And I'm excited to eat what I cook.

I go down stare.

"You can eat now." I said to Mika

"How about him and you?" she ask

"We're okay." I said

"Okay I will eat now! I miss this Ai! The food that you cook for me." she said

"Thank you. You can eat now!"


and she start eating. While she is eating I'll just stare at her.

"join me" she said

"No it's okay. He said you can eat but not me."

"Your under." she said


"Yes, You are under to your boy friend."

Bad Girl meets Emperor (Kuroko No Basuke - Akashi Seijuro)Where stories live. Discover now