Part 15

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And when we are on stairs

“Where are we going?” I ask

“Don’t run away again from me.” He said

Huh? What is he talking about?

“Run away from you?”

“Yes! I just say to you where is Kise then you run away from your Boyfriend to meet other boy.” He said

Is he serious on that thing? The relationship. I thought his just kidding or just use it when there are people around.

“Are you serious about that?”I ask

“Of course Yes.”he answer and he hold my hand tightly and he get closer to me and eye to eye contact.

“Why? Don’t you believe on me?” he ask 

His voice makes me melt! Aaahhhh!

KYAAAAAH! What’s happening! His voice is so sweet no I mean sexy?! and his eyes! Kyaaaah! I can’t explain.

I hate this feelings! Is this they call Fangirling??? I hate this feeling! He makes me melt on his looks and voice! >//////<

Wait! Aiya stop! It’s just a strategy on your game! Wake up Aiya! 

I push him and he just smile and say

“You like me right!” he ask with confideny voice.

“No! I will never like you! In your dreams!”

“But your eyes say that you like me. ”He said

“Ah! No I’m not! And eyes never talk! And if I like you I should kiss you earlier so that you will win the game.”I said

“But you kiss me!” he said

“No! I didn’t kiss you!”

"Remember, eyes can see, and sometimes eyes are the one who tells the truth." he said and grab my hand, pulling me going to the gym. Is he a Philosopher to tell that...or maybe eyes really tell the truth? No! No! No! I don't like him! Period!

“What are we doing here!” I ask and then we go to the lockers room.

“Don’t you remember?” He ask

“Okay okay! I remember now! But it’s not counted on our game!” I said.

He really drag me here just to remind me what happen. I'm not that old to forget it.

“Did you know that you stole my first kiss!”he said

“Your first kiss? So I’m your first kiss?” I ask

Is this real? Is this real?! His...his a someone!

“Yes! You don’t have a right to do that because you are not my girlfriend on that time.” He said

While I’m stepping backwards and he was stepping towards me and trap on the lockers because there is no more to step back. He put his hand on the right side of my head and our face is near to each other.

“What if I kiss you now?” He ask with the sweet voice again! No sexy voice

Don't do that Seijuro!!!

Wake up Aiya Samatsu don't you remember THE GAME and that is bad,falling inlove with a guy wait What did I said falling inlove? But I'm not falling on him. Never >.< I will never fall inlove with him! Aiya Samatsu is a bad girl and don't forget that! Damn it what will I do!

“And I- I will be the wi-winner!”I said as I compose my voice.

He got closer to me! Kyaaaaah! No stop it! My heart beats fast! What’s happening! I really hate this feeling! What are you doing Seijuro! What is happening! Stay away from me! This is not the right time to end this game! I'm doing now the fangirling!!! I think this the feeling of fangirling!

Stop this feeling!
I'm not a Fangirl!

I push him and now he is on the locker and I hold his collar and we’re still near to each other.

“This is not the right time to finish this game! I’m not finish to you! I’m not afraid on your strategy and don’t you dare to kiss if you don’t want to lose.” I said with a angry voice and I released my hand to his collar and I turned, then start walking going out of the lockers room.

 I don't know what will I feel. Should I feel angry or like a fangirling! Damn this feelings!
Why should I be feel angry? because of what? Why should I be feel like a Fangirl? Because of what? Damn it!

“You really want to win but If you go out now! It’s means I win.” He said and have a evil smile on his face.

That Akashi Seijuro! Yes I really want to win this game! What he will do? 

“And why?”

“Because you violated the rule. One of your rule is no avoiding or ignoring each other.” He said.

Stupid rules Damn! But I'm the one who made it! XDD peace yo!

“So what do you want?” I ask

He come upon me and hold again my hand and then we walk together going out of the gym. What is his plan?

 ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^_ ^_^



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