Part 19

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Momoi’s POV

Today is Monday! Monday is a new daw to start a new week in a new month in a new year. Lol just kidding XDDD… Now I'm in the classroom waiting Aiya-san and today she will start her punishment,

after a minute.

“Aiya-san!” she just arrived.

“Hello Momoi.” She greet with a tired tone and have a fake smile.

I know that is a fake smile because Aiya-san smiles like shining, shimmering, splending smile like Kise’s smile.

“Are you okay?”I ask

“Yes I’m okay, I just need to take a rest for a while.”She said and she sleep on her desk.

And the time pass she talk just a bit not like other day that she talk a lot. When we are asking her she will just answer in shortcut and when the topic is not interesting she will just sleep again on her desk. And when we are already dismiss and We are on the way to gym and I ask her

“Aiya! Are you really okay?” I ask

“Yes I’m okay why?”she said and did a fake smile again.

“Are you sure you are okay?”I ask again.

“Yes I’m okay!”She answered

And when we are done on practice Aiya-san started his punishment to clean. She was left alone at the gym.

The Next day Tuesday she was late at school. And she is not on the mood again and it get worst today she never smile even talk to us at the room.She is on the silent mode, and she always sleep on the different subjects. When we are on the gym and she was sitting at the bench I sit beside her and ask

“Are you okay?” I ask and he just nod

“You look like you are not okay. Is theirs any problem?” I ask and she just shake one's head saying  ‘no’

“Do you have a problem at your punishment?” I ask again and she just shake one's head saying  again ‘no’

“You look pale.” I said

“I’m just thinking something Momoi and I’m okay I just need to take a rest.” She said

She already sleep the whole day and then she still need to take a rest???

“Do you want to go home?” I ask again

“No! I’m okay and I need to do my job here.” She said and walk away going to the storage room.

The next day.

She look like nothing! She looks like no life! She never smile she never talk to us even we are taking to her she never answer and she just sleep the whole day again. And when we are on the gym I didn’t see her. She didn’t attend and Why? Does she have a problem? Is she sick? I need to say tell this to Akashi.

“Captain Aiya-san didn’t attend our practice.”I said

“And she will be punish again.” He said

“She is on her own. She never smile at us and she never talk to us even we are asking her. She looks like she have a problem or she is sick.” I said to him.

“Don’t waste your time to her Momoi. If she never come back again here just fired him on his position and eliminate in our club.”Akashi said.

“But she need a company. And you as a Boyfriend you need to know what’s happening at Aiya-san that’s your responsibility.”I said

“No But! ”Akashi said.

Does he don't have a concern on his Girlfriend?

“Yes captain.”I said and walk away.

I want to help Aiya! I know she have a problem but she don’t want to share it. I need to help her.



Because I Love you my readers! I will update now not tomorrow but now! XDD

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Sorry for the wrong grammar!

I love you all guys!

Arigato! ^_^



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