Chapter 28: Recoveries

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Suhos POV:
We were running around the block. "Which house is it?" I asked.
" I'm not completely sure but I think it's that one" Luhan said point to the house at the end of the street and we all started running to it.
Amanda's POV:
I ran to the table of weapons I saw on the side a picked up a gun and aimed it at my fathers head.
"Shoot me. I dare you"
He said crossing his arms. I couldn't do it. I don't know why I couldn't I just couldn't. I lowered the gun and looked down. "I know you couldn't do it." He said turning around walking strait. "I am your father after a~" I ran up to him and whacked him on the side of the head making him fall unconscious. I then grabbed a knife and cut Baekyhuns rope freeing him. He fell face first to the floor not even having enough energy to turn his head. I sat next to him and started to cry when I heard the doors barge open and saw then 5 members.
"Omg Baekyhun!" Suho said. "We gotta get him to the hospital." He said calling an ambulance. Kai looked at my dad laying at the floor and punched his face and kicked him in the stomach. "Don't ever touch my friends again you little bastard!" He yelled. Lay called 911 and they took my dad away. " don't worry he won't get you guys for a long time." I took a deep breath and the ambulance came. I follows Baekyhun in the back holding his hand as we drove to the hospital. The rest of the guys started walking home.
"It's ok Baekyhun." I said squeezing his hand. "I'm sorry I'm so so so sorry for not telling you my problem I just didn't want you to worry we finally got to get her and I didn't want more drama to happen I'm just so Sorr~" I got cut off.
"Shhh. It's ok." He said in a weak voice. "Now come here." He said. I put my head on his chest and he flinched at the pain. I instantly pulled off of him and looked him in the eyes. I saw hurt and fear. I started to cry and let out a whimper that got silenced by his lips. When we got to the hospital they got him a room and I sat next to him. "Why?" I asked him. He gave me a confused look. "Why do you always hurt yourself. You almost starved to death you got hit by a car and now this." I said crying. " it hurts me too you know! Every cut every hit every thing that hurts you hurts me too Baekyhun." I said. He pulled my head to his shoulder and wiped my tears.
"I love you Amanda." He said kissing my temple.
" and I'd love you more if you stopped getting hurt." I said hugging him.
"You love me I know you do." He said with his signature half smirk smile. I missed his smile so much.
" I know" I said kissing his nose. The docter said he could go home tomorrow if he's better but he would be in a week of bed rest.
Baekyhun pulled me onto the bed and we cuddled ending up falling asleep.
Suhos POV:
When we got home we drove to the hospital. When we got their we went to Baekyhuns room and saw Amanda and him sleeping.
"Awww" lay said. "They're so cute together!!" Lay said jumping up and down. Luhan and Kai snickered and sehun just laughed. Amanda woke up and didn't notice is Baekyhun woke up to and we saw them stare at eachother. "Baekyhun?" She asked.
"Yeah. He said hugging her tighter.
"I love you too." Amanda said before kissing him on the lips. The kiss lasted pretty long and it was awkward for all of us. She finally broke the kiss and looked up to see the members.
"Suho! Sehun! Luhan! Kai! Lay! How long have you been just standing there?!" She asked pulling away from Baekyhun.
"Long enough" I laughed.
" he's gonna be able to come home tommorow!" I said hugging Suho. "That's great!" Lay said. I broke away from Suho and gave each of the members a hug.
We missed you Noona!" Sehun said. I laughed and then the door flew open to reveal Chanyeol.
"Hey guys!" Chanyeols smile instantly turned to a frown when he saw Baekyhun.
"What happened to him?" He asked.
"Long story." Amanda said. After that we all went home including Baekyhun and Annabelle. Annabelle and Chanyeol went to their room and Amanda and Baekyhun when to theirs and the 5 of is were watching a movie downstairs. A few hours pasted and we all ended up playing truth or dare except Annabelle and chanyeol. Annabelle fell asleep and Chanyeol refused to leave her side.
Amanda's POV:
"Amanda truth or dare." Luhan asked me.
"Truth!" I chose.
"Who was your first kiss?" He asked with a smirk. Baekyhun looked at me with a smile and wide eyes.
"Unmmmmmmm........................" I stayed quiet.
"You have to answer Noona!!" Sehun yelled.
"Ok fine it was actually Kai..." I said looking away. Baekyhun got a little angered but brushed it of because I was his already and nothing would change that. I got many 'Ooos' from the members befor rolling my eyes. "Ok Luhan truth or dare?" I asked. "Dare!" He replied.
"I dare you to dump a cup of water on someone!" I said. "Noona that's lame! Make him kiss someone he hasn't even had his first kiss yet!" Sehun said laughing.
"Actually I have." Luhan said. I gave him a glare and he shut up. I didn't want people to know me and Luhan kissed because it would cause drama.
"Who? Suho asked. At that moment Luhan came close to me and pushed a light kiss on my lips. I pushed him back and got up to Baekyhun and hugged him.
"Amanda" Luhan said giving me a wink. Everyone gave him weird looks and was silent. A few minuets later I got up and pulled Baekyhuns arm upstairs and yelled. "Goodnight!"

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