Chapter 5: The Truth

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Amanda's POV
I ran upstairs after Baekyhun. I didn't realize I was crying but I quickly whipped my cheeks with a tissue and ran upstairs. I opened the door to my room and found Baekyhun staring at my posters. " I know you had a shrine of me." I could hear the smirk in his voice as he said that with his back still to me. "Why can't you just admit you love m~" he turned around seeing my face ran up to me and asked me millions of questions about what happened and why I was crying. I completely ignored his questions and just started to cry even more.
I started hitting his chest saying,"Why I told you not to come in here!"as I continued crying. I kept hitting his chest and didn't expect to say what I did. " Why Appa Why!?!" I yelled hitting his chest and bawled my eyes out.
" Appa?" He asked gently. "Tell me what's wrong?" He said as his voice got gentler. I didn't answer I just ignored his question and flung myself into his arms and gave him a big hug. I was relieved when he hugged me back. I put my head on his shoulder and just started crying. "I'm fine just a bad dream" I said not meaning to sniffle.
"Come on you think i'd believe that?" He asked. "Tell me what happened. Tell me the truth." He demanded. He knew me to well I had to tell him the truth. No one knows not even Annabelle. He picked me up bridal stile and carried me downstairs as I continued crying on his chest. He put me on the couch and sat next to me.
" Now tell me what's wrong." He said.
~8 years ago~
" OMMA OMMA!!" I called out.
"Yes Amanda?" She replied.
" Where's Appa?" I asked.
"Oh sweetie, we need to talk. Appa got In trouble."
"Trouble what kind of trouble?" I asked innocently.
" You Appa got drunk and hurt some people. He's going to jail for 2 years for a victim of murder." Omma said. My heart shattered into a million pieces.
~ 6 years ago~
"OMMA!!" I called out getting no answer. OMMA have fun at work today!!!" I yelled. Yesterday my Appa finally got out of prison and he was coming to spend the day with me today. I was excited but OMMA had to go to work. She was pulling out of the drive way when I went back inside to wait for Appa. Then.... I heard a scream. I ran outside and saw omma on the floor with her blood everywhere. I turn to see a man running away with a knife. I looked at the face carfully, "Appa?" I said starting to cry. I called 911 but it was to late OMMA already died and Appa got away.
A few months later I got news that my Appa killed himself in the woods. I was by myself. I had Annabelle and only Annabelle.
~present time~
I finally finished my story with tears running down my face. I look over at Baekyhun and it surprised me to see his eyes tearing up. 'Why is he crying? He probably thinks I'm just another fan looking for sympathy' I thought.
Baekyhun's POV:
After she finnished her story I felt my eyes start to tear up. I knew this girl was different. She wasn't like other fans. Their was something different about her and I didn't know what. I just didn't want to lose her.
Amanda's POV:
The 2 just sat their for a long time staring into eachother eyes.
" Oh Shoot Baek! We gotta get you to that concert!" You say getting up.
" I don't care. Your more important right now!" He said making you blush.
" Well you managers gonna kill me if you aren't there!" I yelled running to my car.
"Do you have a ticket to the concert?" He asked stoping me.
"Yea it's right.... Where is it?" You say looking in your bag. " Ah I must have left it at the store! It's ok we need to get you to that concert! Here can you drive. Take my car and go to the concert bring it back here when it's over." You said handing him the keys.
" No I'm not leaving." You gave him a confused look. " Not without you." He said. " you can come and hang backstage" he said ' somethings different about this girl and I'm not losing her not till I find out what it is' Baekyhun though.
" Alright?" He asked
"Umm?" You stuttered, "I don't know." You said unsure.
"Come on do you really want me to miss my show?" He asked with a grin. You smiled and hopped in the car.
"No," you smiled. "My names Amanda by the way." You said.
" Well Amanda I think this is the start of a beautiful new friendship!" He said with a smile.

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