Chapter 26: Cheer Up

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Amanda's POV:
When we got home I went to my room and cried. Chanyeol got Annabelle to the hospital. The 5 guys came into my room. Kai grabbed my desk chair and sat next to me while I layed on the bed I sat up and sehun and Luhan sat on the end of the bed lay came and stood next to me and Suho stood by the door. It's time I tell them. "9 years ago my father got arrested for murder. 2 years later When he got out he was gonna visit me but my mom had work. On her way to work she ran into my father and....... He killed her. A few months later I got news that he committed suicide in the woods. Me and Baekyhun went on a date to the bubble tea shop and I saw the man I saw that night at the park. The man removed his mask and I saw it was my father." I said looking at the floor. "I don't know what he wants. He killed my mother so I might be next.......... But he took Baekyhun." I said falling to the floor. All the guys stared at me speech less. Kai helped me up and I sat on his lap. He gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. Lay slapped him but at this point I didn't care about anything except for saving Baekyhun.
Chanyeols POV:
I ran Annabelle to the house and drove her to the hospital. When we got their she laid on the bed and I sat next to her. I couldn't say mad at her. " I will always love you." I said and kissed her forehead. A minute later she woke and winced at the pain in her side. "Shh relax" I said tucking her hair behind her ear.
"Baekyhun! H-he got taken!! We ha~" I cut here off by sealing her lips with mine.
Baekyhuns POV:
I don't remember much except that I went to the park and.... AMANDAS DAD! He came! Everything was still black but I herd shuffling. "Finally awake I see." The man said as he took a blindfold off of me.
"What do you want?" I snapped at him.
"Why don't we play a game? How about I torture you until Amanda comes so i can kill her! Doesn't that sound fun!?" He man said. I noticed I was in an old house and he had a table of weapons knives whips guns you name it.
"Why don't you just kill me now?" I said looking down.
"Aw I don't wanna kill you I wanna kill Amanda and your the perfect bait. Plus what fun is it to just kill right away."
Amanda's POV:
"Do you have any ideas where your dad could have taken Baekyhun?" Suho asked.
"No not really but if my dad is still how I remember he would make a big deal." I said recalling the good memories with my father.
"What do you mean 'big deal'" Luhan asked.
"Like fancy." I said "if he's gonna do something he's gonna do it with a Big Bang" I said. "But what would he do to Baekyhun?" I said worried.
"T-to be honest I think he might be bait." Sehun said scratching his neck.
"B-bait? What do you mean." I asked.
"Well if he killed you omma and you might be next he might take Baekyhun hostage and like torture him to lure you to save him because you love him." Sehun continued.
"Hmmf." Kai said crossing his arms rolling his eyes.
"Sehun your a genius. The guys will search tomorrow but as for you Amanda you can not take the bait we will save Baekyhun ok? You are to not leave this house." Suho said. I nodded my head slightly and said. "So you and Baekyhun." Lay said laughing. " have you guys had your first date?! Have you kissed him yet!? How did he ask you out?!" Lay said squealing like a little girl. I laughed.
"Our first date was kinda casual we went and got bubble tea with Chanyeol and Annabelle and stayed home and watched a movie"
"How did he ask you out?!" Luhan said.
"Um we were at the bubble tea shop and I was looking out a window and he hugged me from behind and asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend." I said blushing.
"What did you do?!" Suho asked taking a step closer to me.
"I asked him if he wanted to be my boyfriend and he said he did I said too bad and walked away but he pulled me into his arms and kissed me saying I'm his." I said.
"SO YOU GUYS HAVE KISSED!" Luhan shouted. "Did you enjoy it?" He asked smirking.
"Of corse I did he's gentle and rough at the same time and I feel safe in his arms." I said hugging myself. At that moment Kai got up and left. "What's wrong with him?" Sehun asked. Luhan shrugged his shoulders and Suho went to talk to Kai. Lay turned to Sehun and said." Kai is in love with Amanda." The 2 men's eyes shot up.
"Ugh still?" I said groaning. Lay nodded his head. And left the room. "So tell me about you and Baekyhuns kiss!" Luhan said placing his head resting on his hands.
"I'm out" Sehun laughed and headed out the room. Luhan looked back at me.
"It was just an average kiss you know?" I said shrugging.
"Actually I don't know." He said looking away as almost in shame.
"Luhan you've never kissed anyone?!?" I shouted.
"Shh someone could hear you but I haven't..." He said.
"Awww you really are a baby!" I said laughing.
"Hey!!"he said as I continued laughing. " I know your with Baekyhun and all but....... I haven't had my first kiss and I.... " he said looking away.
"And you want me to kiss you so you know how it feels?" I said shyly.
"Yea..." I leaned in and placed a soft little peck on his lips but he pulled me in deeper and I fell on top of him our lips still touching. I pulled away and playfully slapped Luhan "hey!" I said laughing.
"Sorry but man that was something." I blushed and said. " it was a friendly kiss nothing between us right." I said he gave a thumbs up and a nod. " now leave I'm gonna sleep." He got up and left and I tryed to fall asleep.
Luhans POV:
I walked to find lay and said "oh shit lay"
"What?" He asked.
"I may like Amanda. But I can't do anything about it because of Baekyhun." I grunted.
"And I may like Annabelle oh well...."
Amanda's POV:
After all the guys went downstairs I couldn't stop worrying about Baekyhun. 'That's it I can't just sit hear when everyones asleep I'll go find him myself' I thought and fell asleep.

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