Chapter 24: Explanation

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Amanda's POV:
"Hey Annabelle?" I asked knocking on her door. I saw her on her phone laying on the bed.
"What do you want." She asked aggravated.
"I'm not dating Chanyeol. And we need to talk." I said looking her in the eyes.
"Sure you aren't and I don't want to talk to you." She rolled her eyes.
"It's about the mysterious man. You know the man in the black mask?"
I asked.
"Yeah.... What about him." She asked getting intrested.
"That man is my father." I said trying to hold the tears.
"That's impossible he died years ago!" She said.
"That's what I thought but I was wrong. Me and Baekyhun went on our first date to the bubble tea shop down the street and I saw him and he removed his mask and it was my father. He killed my mom and I'm afraid I'm next...." I said starting to break down. "I told Chanyeol my situation and he didn't really know what to do. He said I should try to not think about it so he took me for ice cream as a friendly thing. Then I saw my dad again and I started breaking down and I couldn't stop crying so Chanyeol hugged me to calm me down." I said with a sniffle.
"B-but he kissed you on the head." She said.
"What no he didn't. He put his chin on my head but he didn't kiss me. This is all just a huge miss understanding. Chanyeol still loves you and I love Baekyhun and Baekyhun only. Please don't move out." I said starting to cry.
"I-I'm so sorry Amanda." She said flinging her arms around me into a hug. "Are you mad?"
"Of corse not." I said.
"Oh no." She said looking at her phone.
"What?" I asked just as a pissed off Baekyhun entered the room.
"Your cheating on me with Chanyeol!?!" He said with hurt in his eyes. At that moment Chanyeol entered the room.
"Yah! Man what the hell are you doing stealing Amanda?!" Baekyhun yelled throwing a punch at Chanyeol.
"Guys stop!" I yelled. "Baekyhun I am not dating Chanyeol! It's all a miss understanding!" I shouted as I saw Chanyeols busted lip. "Ah Baekyhun your rings cut Chanyeols lip. Annabelle go get his some ice I'll tell Baekyhun everything." She gave a little nod and took Chanyeol downstairs.
"Baekyhun I'm not dating Chanyeol! " I said throwing him off.
"Y-your not?" He asked.
"No I-I'm just......the guys in the mask is my father and when we went and got boba I relized it and I was just afraid. He killed my mom and I might be next.........I told Chanyeol and he tryed to get it out of my head so he took me for icecream but then I saw my dad again and couldn't stop crying so he hugged me to calm me down" I said bursting into tears.
"What about the k~" he said. I cut him off and said " we didn't kiss he put his chin on my head that's it. We're just friends Baekyhun. Your the one I love." I said looking down.
"Why didn't you tell me your problem?" He asked angered. "Do you not trust me?"
" Baek I do!" I said back.
"But you trust Chanyeol more because you seem to tell him all your problems huh?" He said. "So you choose him over your boyfriend?"
"No! Baek~" I said as he got up and left. All I could do was cry.
Chanyeols POV:
Annabelle got ice and asked me if I was ok. I kinda ignored her though. "How can you think I would cheat on you?!" I asked angered.
"I-I don't~" she studdered.
"You don't trust me? Is that it." I asked.
"No of corse I do!" She shouted back. After that Baekyhun came downstairs and went outside.
Baekyhuns POV:
What did I do? I thought. Why doesn't she trust me with her problem. I started walking to the park and sat on the swings. 'What did I do to make her not trust me. I started to let a few tears drop when I saw a shadow and looked back. It was the man with the mask....Amanda's father. I was gonna run away but everything went black

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