Waffles note!

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Authors Note

Hey! Sorry guys! I know the last update was after a long one and all and now I'm taking ages again to update! 


Blame it on that piece of freaker. It's been keeping me busy and I have what? 10 classes? Or 9? You see? I'm just busy! Trust me I haven't forgoten that I have a story to keep going! 

I read your comments and I love how you like my story! I appreciate it! I do, you guys are the best readers, fans, and waffles in the world! For those of you who are impatient... ahem *looks around and whistles* hahaha. Well I'm just chilling with Fall Out Boy and I love 'em! 

Wait.... right! WAPMAP! BAck to the story! I'm working slowly on the next chapter! I'm going to spoil you all with a long chapter. I'm a nice person even with my schedule I try and I complete my tasks. But seriously my little dazzlers! You guys have four fan names ok? 

1- Dazzlers

2- Waffles

3- Chinchillas 

4- Cabras Locas

Be used to them! If any of you guys want to do some Q&A just drop the questions beloooooooowwww and I'll answer them sometime! Get to know me some time I like telling people about me! If you have instagram follow me your Momma Waffle <(*_^)> on my instagrams

If you  like One Direction go for @eyeee_tuuunneess , three e's and three u's.

If you like 5 Seconds Of Summer go for @ofsecondssummerfive

If you want my personal go for @Goldensparkledwaffle 

That would be all I got on instagram as for tumblr I have tumblr but I don't use it to just see pictures and maybe post some of mine. The name would be @Friday-fav-second-f-word.

FOLLOW MY TWITTER! @Sweet_imperf3ction 

There you have my social medias and if you would like me to create something so you guys could follow and ask stuff about my stories or me. That'd be it lovelies!

Stay strong and beautiul my Chinchillas!


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