A time off means break up or divorce (2) •

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"Ms. Parker would you like to be Mr. Johnson's Juliet?" Mrs. Anderson asked motioning to Sean.

"No thank you Mrs. Anderson. He and I don't get along. It would be a horrible match." I said while flashing the eager teacher a tight smile.

"Alright then, Ms. Parker. Since our Juliet rejected Romeo will anyone else like to be Mr. Johnson's new Juliet?" She asked. The whole class full of girls of course wanted to be his Juliet so they all raised their hands. The teacher only looked around with a tired look before she picked a girl. I recognized her, she was from the dance team and she was very outgoing. Julia was her name I think. Ironic, I laughed silently at my joke.

Sean was the other player of the school according to the whole student body, who also classified me as the female player. I like to think that we both started our playing ways with one another. Sean was my first serious boyfriend when we both started freshman year. He was your classic baby face, swoon worthy boy and I was you classic blossoming girl in progress and that made us the cute, shy, and extremely awkward couple. In the summer of transition for sophomore year things went downhill when a new family moved to town. Sean was always friendly, it was no surprise that he volunteered to give the family's daughter a tour of the place. He spun quite an awful lot of time with her and I didn't mind. I even left on a vacation with my parents to Florida. When school started rumors spread around that he was seeing her as more than just a friend.

I saw it myself when I was on my way home one day. I stayed with him, I just started seeing other boys as well. It was all behind one another's back until we officially knew we wanted nothing to do with each other. Junior year was a full wreck of partying and playing around from person to person. We didn't care. Now, senior year I had a feeling would be the same until we could be out of each other's life for good.

"And scene." Mrs. Anderson said. Sean smiled and walked off of the small stage set up in the classroom. He sat down next to the bunch of girls waiting for their turn to go on a little adventure on bed with him no doubt. It was all that ever happened between them.

It was kinda tragic. He only had a few minutes with them and then cut it all off. At least I had the audacity to stay and have a label. Even still, I don't think I would ever reach the number of people he's been with in the bed department.

"When will you join us Abi?" He asked while winking my way as he discreetly slipped his hand underneath Julia's shirt.

"Abi? Only special people call me Abi. When? Never Sean. So just keep humping and humping cause I am getting nowhere near you." I said looking away.

He annoyed me to no end. I saw by the corner of my eye how he frowned for a slight second before recovering and going back to touching Julia without a shame in the world.

"So for Thursday I want you all to find a partner for the Romeo and Juliet thing." Mrs. Anderson said passing a paper around.

"I call Sean!" A girl yelled grabbing his arm taking him by surprise and making him take his hand out of Julia's shirt.

"Uh, no you don't. He's mine. He was acting with me right now. Get lost." Julia snarled at the girl who grabbed on to Sean's arm.

"Ladies, ladies, ladies calm down. Now Sean who do you choose?" I heard Mrs. Anderson ask. I was talking to one of the guys behind me when I heard my name.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked turning around.

"You're gonna be my partner." Sean said smirking.

"Sorry Sean but my partner is Gabriel." I said taking Gabriel's, the guy behind me, hand. "Maybe next time?" I said shrugging my shoulders with an evil smirk. He was about to talk when the bell rang. Everyone got their stuff and ran out the door like wild animals.

"So who's place should we practice?" Gabriel asked walking up to me.

"Um, your place please." I said opening my eyes wide. He smirked and laughed.

"I have a boyfriend you creep." I said slapping his arm and laughing.

"I know you do but he isn't gonna last that much with you. Just like the rest." He said walking away.


"So can we talk?" Cameron asked nervously as we walked home from school.

"About?'' I asked looking at him.

"About our future. Like what's going to happen when we graduate? You said you were leaving." He said looking serious.

"Yeah, maybe. Why?" I said looking back down at the ground as I kicked a couple of rocks on the way.

"Abigail, I want things to go serious between us. Like I don't wanna be another one on your list, I wanna prove them that I changed you." He said taking my hand, my eyes still focused on the ground.

"Cam, babe I hope you are not doing what I think you're doing, right?'' I asked taking my hand away from his as I went down and fixed my shoelaces.

"Abigail it is. Please just settle down with me." I looked up at him and tucked the end of the shoelaces inside my shoe before getting up.

"Cameron I can't settle down just now." I smiled sadly at him. "High school isn't a place to settle down and start planning out a future." I walked forward and jumped slightly over a disgusting amount of gum on the pavement. "Is about finding yourself, enjoying your youth, and surviving so you can go be an adult later on." I stopped walking and turned to him with a serious face. "Cam I think that we need to take a little break." I said kissing his cheek.

"Why? Abigail, please don't break up with me." He choked out. I almost felt bad when I saw how genuinely sad he looked.

"It's just a time out Cam. I won't leave you." I said walking up to my house just wanting to be in my room already. "See you tomorrow!" I waved before I quickly made my way inside my house.

"Abigail is that you?" Mom asked from the kitchen.

I took a deep breath in and rolled my eyes in an exhausted manner. "Is not dad. So yeah it's me." I said walking to the kitchen.

"Well I was waiting for a better answer." She said cutting the lettuce.

"Yeah, makes two of us. Where's dad?" I asked taking a cookie from the jar.

"He is at." She paused, staring blankly at the lettuce in her hands before looking up at me and flashing me a tight smile. "H-He's at Florida with your grandparents."

"Why don't you tell me already." I said with pissed off tone making her eyebrows furrow. "Mom I'm not stupid, you know? I know that you guys are getting a divorce." I said opening the cabinet to get a glass.

"We are just having a time off, Abi. What makes you think that?" She asked looking at me.

"A time off leads to break up or a divorce mom. Trust me." I said getting water and leaving up to my room.

I closed the door behind me and threw my book bag on a corner. I kicked my shoes off and threw myself at my bed. I didn't have homework to do or anything so I just got my phone out of my pocket and saw a text message.

"Abigail please I know you'll leave me tomorrow. Give me a chance?- Cam xx:)"

I rolled my eyes and decided to end things there so I texted him back.

"Cam I can't continue with this. I love you but... as a friend. Can we be friends?- Abi xx;)"

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