Maybe we do have something. ~10~

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     *Leyla's P.O.V*

       I woke up to Abigail sleep talking. I rolled my eyes and rolled out of bed. I walked to the bathroom and rubbed my eyes. I took the blue and purple toothbrush and the tooth paste. I pressed it against the toothbrush and started to clean my mouth. I washed my face and got it dry. I got my black hair all up in a messy bun and got on top of Abigail.

      "WAKE UP BITCH!" I yelled at her while getting up again. "Mornin' to you too." she said while streching. "Morning babez! Now wake up cause I want to do something!" I said taking my keys. "Where are you going?" she asked. "To my place. Be ready by 10:30." I said walking out of the room.


     *Abigail's P.O.V*

      Man I hate when she wakes me up like that. I rubbed my eyes and sat straight.  I reached for my phone and saw text message.

    "Good Morning beautiful! Wanna hang out today?- S"


    "Morning!! Can't spending time with my cousin.-Abi"

     "Drunk one? Nice. I want to ask you something babe.-S"

   "Drunk? Always! Sure.-Abi"

    "Haha. So um.... I just wanted to know how you feel about me. Do you feel the same way you did last night?-S"

    I took a deep breath in and a loud sight escaped my mouth. I really didn't know. I did feel this kind of hate to him. Maybe it was because of what he did to me the first time. I just didn't like like him. 

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