Chapter 33 periods

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You are sitting on the couch and in pain. You were on your period. You were sitting on the couch watching the girls laugh at there tv show. They are so cute and they are growing up fast.

Ethan walked into the room and sat next to you and rapped his arm around you. He started kissing you.

"Ewwww!!"both of the girls said covering there eyes.

Both you and Ethan started laughing.

"Come here girls your mommy has a swore tummy.

She does.


I kiss it better" they come up to you and kiss your tummy

"Ahh thank you girls that made mommy feel much better.  

Thank you mommy

No it's your welcome mommy.

Oh your welcome mommy.

Hey Isabelle and Gabriella I think someone is at the door.


The tickle monster!!

Ahh!!"they run away screaming

* 2 weeks latter*

"Uhh I don't feel so well maybe I have to go to the bathroom."

You go to the bathroom to notice you are on your period again for the second time this month.

"Ethan!...ETHAN!... ETHAN!!!"

You hear footsteps running down the hall.

"Yes y/n?!

I am on my second period can you run to the store to buy me a pregnancy test.

Ya of course. Do you want me to take the girls?

No I got it."

You wait till Ethan comes back.

You hear the door open.

"Here babe I got you a pregnancy test.


What's pregnatty test.

A pregnancy test is a machine that can tell if a baby is inside mommy's tummy. Just like I found out you were."

So you take the test and its positive.

"Gabriella Isabelle come here!

Coming mommy! Ya!

You see this?


The two bars is telling me that you are gonna have a baby brother of baby sister.

Sister yay!!

Girls it might not be a girl it might be a boy a brother.

Ohh" they said still looking happy

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