Chapter ten hawaii

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-clothes for two weeks
-hair brush
-hair wand
-hair straightener
-phone charger
-penny board
-tooth brush
You don't need that much cause I am with Ethan.

"Y/n Ethan is here to pick you up!
I will be down in a minute!"

I guess this is when I go off with my boyfriend I can't wait but I am a bit scared for the plane Ethan will help me with that two

"You look beautiful y/n! I am so happy that your my girlfriend I am the luckiest guy in the world"
He smiled

"Come one we are gonna miss your flight" Grayson said from the truck

You guys go in to the car all the way to the air port.

"Ethan I am nervous for the plain.

There is nothing to be afraid of you're  going to site by me, and we are going to hold hands a listen to music and maybe kiss a bit. Once we get to the hotel I will make a bath for both of us with a bath boom your favorite the one that makes the water look like a galaxy.

That sound perfect thanks Ethan you are the best. Have I told you I loved you?!

Maybe but I like to hear it again

Love you

Love you too"

*Skip the flight and drive to the hotel*

"Y/n we get our own room here it is

This place is amazing it's so pretty

Not even close to as pretty as you

Ahh Ethan your so sweet I love you

Love you to do you want to take a bath now cause it's getting late and I promised you.

That would be amazing but to take a bath we have to take our clothes off" you said that and put your head down. Ethan walked up to you and kissed your head.

" y/n if you are not comfortable with me then I won't get in the bath.

It's not you I am not comfortable with my body.

You are beautiful in that dress with the juice stain on it and I said that you will look great in clothes with no stain and I was right. I am going to guess again and say that you are going to look amazing in the bathtub too.

Thanks Ethan you really do help me with everything I love you

I love you too."

Ethan gets the bath ready and you go into the room and get naked you quickly put on a rob and went in the washroom.

"I put lots of water and a bath boom so we can't see each others body as much so you're not that uncomfortable.

Thank you Ethan"

Ethan got naked then in the tub then you slowly took your rob off and went into the tub. Once you got in and started to cuddle and kissed a bit it was the best thing in the world.  

"I guessed right again you look amazing with no clothes on too."

After the bath Ethan was on the bed (like the picture) and you guys were cuddling watching Netflix till you fell asleep.

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