Chapter 25 will they be okay?

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A/n I know I said if the last chapter got 5 votes I would upload it faster well I could not wait to write and upload the chapter so here it is.

You and Ethan site beside each other in the lobby waiting anxiously to find out if the girls are okay. Grayson is beside Ethan too. You herd the door open you see this girl walk in.

She is gorgeous like a super model. She has long blond hair. Her hair is a bit wavy. She has blue/green eyes. And she is like 5 foot 6. And we has an amazing body really fit.

She looks at you guys and smiles.

"Hey y/n, Ethan and Grayson! I'm the fan that found Isabelle and Gabriella are they okay?

We are not sure yet but thank you for finding them. what's your name?


Well Emily Grayson promised the fan who found our daughters a date." You looked at Grayson

Grayson had his mouth open and was literally drooling over Emily.

"Emily I am glad you found them cause you are so pretty.

Thanks Grayson. Do you mind if I stay here for a bit so I can find out if the girls are okay.

Yes of course. You can plan your date with Grayson." You said

Grayson and Emily are both bright red now. And you and Ethan start laughing.

The doctor comes into the room.

"Ethan, y/n the girls have no internal bleeding or any type of brain damage.

Okay that's good.

And we feed them and changed them and put them in warm clothes. They are perfectly healthy it's a miracle.

Can we see them now?

Yes y/n!"

You ran to the girls and pick up Gabriella and Ethan pick up Isabelle. You are so glad you get to hold them again.

"Y/n you have to go to your doctor every month for the next year to see if everything is still okay but other then that you are free to go home.

Thank you doctor."

You go back to Grayson and Emily. You find them kissing.

"Bro did your first date go well.

Shut up! How the girls.

Perfect we are gonna go back home.


Before we go I would just like to say thank you Emily for finding them. I don't know what I would do if anything worse would have happened. And I am glad you and Grayson like each other so he will stop bugging us.

Your welcome y/n and I am so glad we met. Grayson has my number so if you would like we can hang out together.

That would be great thank you. Bye"

You and Ethan go home with the girls. Wile you were in the car. You looked at Ethan and you know than you guys were thinking the same thing. That you will be seeing Emily more often.

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