Chapter 26: He, who's called "Cursed One"

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Depression is so nasty, like it doesn't even matter if you want it to stop - it will still remain there. And it annoyed me because I've been so lazy and did nothing but play LoL and... Sleep?

Yeah, it's summer break and I'm spending it by sleeping till past noon and doing nothing. I'm so not letting those last three weeks go to waste, I'm freaking gonna write till I bleed... Or something. I've mentioned this in A/N i just put in prologue, but lemme repeat again.

I'm on third of this book, and there will be 5-6 more chapters before the end of first part and shit starts after that. You'll get angry, you'll want to kill me - hell, I'll want to kill myself and then you'll love me and so again and again. I'm starting with darker material from part two, and all parts will be in same book (although I'm not depressed, I've become lazy, do making new covers is... Troublesome for me, so deal with one book with 90 chapters (y) )

Three parts are:
-The Cursed One
-The Light One
-The Kin
And I'm still on first one.

To summarize what happened so far in last few chapters: Ayla had disappeared when Ancients choose new twins for next generation of Firstborns planning to make their relationship similar to the one Victor and Markus had. Enraged by their plot, Vik chose to prevent that from happening so that those two kids won't have to live through what he and his younger twin brother had to, hence he interrupted the holy ceremony and started an all-out war with the Ancients.

He was losing, until Ayla accepted her powers as a Guardian of Balance, releasing Viktor's full power as well, which gave him enough strength to kill Ragznail (the Ancient that hated him) using a strange black right arm that belonged to the original "Cursed One", when he realized that Myura knew something about it.


- Those who were left behind in war weren't those who lacked power - it was those who lacked determination -

~Rukia Kuchiki, Bleach~

Axis, Three of Beginning

There was something odd about Myura's behaviour when she saw his hand. After years and years of possessing the power of an Guardian, Viktor realized that his hand was not quite what you'd call normal. He had it when he was just a pup even before he realized that it was not normal. His parents weren't paying much of attention to it back then, so he chose to ignore it as well.

Meeting other kids, he wanted to be like them and didn't want that hand, so eventually it somehow turned to normal. Since he was so young and it never appeared during his childhood, he had forgot about its existence, but when he killed that person, he remembered it all.

When he became Guardian, he became more aware of the another personality inside of his head and somewhat different Kin ring he never noticed except when trying to. That single Kin never interrupted him and what's more surprising is that he had more than one type of Kin. It was... Impossible, one Kin is one soul, rings represent the power of it that came with training and years. Yet a single Kin ring was so power that it could take over his entire body.


He later came to terms that the power of his right hand belonged to that presence seeing as its power didn't belong to their world.

"What do you know of it?" he asked Myura who clenched her teeth. She hated Victor, that's sure, but if that what she felt towards him was hatred, then what she loathed that Cursed bastard. She knew all about that times before ten realms were created, because she, herself, lived in them and everything she had ever achieved dissappear with his actions. That's why she started anew, created order that would bend to her will so that would nothing similar ever happen again.

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