Chapter 19: The Ancients

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- The real pain is result of losing or thinking you lost someone you genuely care for. A pain like that can never be faked no matter what -


August 1st
Axis, The White Castle

Anger. It was the only thing that was keeping him sane at the moment. Victor was standing in the middle of the main hall holding tight onto Ayla's hand while next to them was Nagu and all other Guardians bowing their heads and standing in two rows oposite of each other. He could only glare at them for waiting those bastards as if they are some royalty... Though, they actually do look like it, after all, Guardians worshiped them as if they were Gods... Fùcked up gods.

'No matter what happens, don't bow down your head, stand with pride.' he mind-linked her and she just squized his hand tighter as if to say that she will do as he asked. She had no idea what was going on, but she trusted him more than anyone, and if he said that there's no need for her to bow down, then there really is no need for it.

"Their Royal Hignesses, the Ancients. Everyone on your knees." Nagu said and he and everyone else did as told, except for Ouroboros and Ayla. He wouldn't let her humiliate herself in front of that bastards and he soon clenched his teeth.
They dared to call him here just so they could meet Ayla, he knew it. They were cunning bastards. It may seem to other that they just came, forty thousand years later and all, but he knew that they all had a bigger plan than just coming and chatting with Guardians.

Noticing his uneasiness, she pulled his hand a bit as to grab his attention and he looked at her. She just gave him a smile from eye to eye and he kissed her forehead.
'The only person I will ever bow at is you, my King.' she told him through mind-link and he chuckled returning with 'And you are the only one I will ever bow to, My Queen.'. She just shook her head replying with 'You don't have to bow to me, ever, that is my job to do.' and he rolled his eyes. While having their conversation, they haven't noticed a presence of three creatures in front of them.

"I see you haven't changed at all my child, always against the law." a feminine voice said and Victor immediately recognised it. The she-ancient, Myura. He gritted his teeth, and Ayla did inner chuckle mind-linking him 'If you continue gritting them like that, you may lose them all and then I won't be able to kiss you.' and that made him stop relaxing him a bit. She frowned, what would she do if she couldn't kiss him? She couldn't live with that!

"I see it's same with you, Myura." and all around them gasped. It's unheard to call Them by Their names, heck with it, no one ever knew their names, but for some reason unknown to them, Ouroboros did.

"Speak with respect, you disgrace to the Guardians!" another Ancient yelled at him, he was older then third one-Ragznail, known by his short temper had hatred towards Victor so huge, no one would ever understand, while Narguil was the most quiet one however when he spoke the earth trembled.

"Go to hell, Ragznail, I can do what the fúck I want!" he replied with the anger slowly returning in his voice. To Myura, this conversation was ridiculous and completely unnecessary, but she noticed Ayla next to Victor when she entered this place and wanted to learn more about her, to see how will he react around her. And she was more then happy seeing that she was holding him back, she was destroying their perfect evil and that wasn't acceptable for Ancients.

"We should have killed you when we had a chance, you would learn what is respect then!" Ragznail said with venom in his voice.

"You mean like you killed her? Yea that surely made me respect you more." Victor said threateningly low, almost launching himself to punch Ragznail in his face for bringing that night in conversation.

"It was unavoidable, she was meant to die anyway, with powers or not, you couldn't save her." he responded calm angering Victor even more.

"Don't even talk about her, you bastard!" he shouted at him, while Ragznail prepared to attack.

"Silence!" finally Narguil spoke surprising both of them. As of Ayla, she was feeling jealousy because of way Vic spoke about that 'she' person, was he his girlfriend or wife? Did he love her? So many questions were bugging her and she felt like crying.

"And who is this bitch?" he said pointing towards Ayla pulling the last trigger of Vic's nerves making him punch him in his face.

"Don't talk about my mate that way, you bastard!" he growled while Ragznail got an idea.

"I see you found a replacement for Mira so soon, was she good little fúck toy now? Did she satisfy all of your needs like a good second mate?" Ragznail replied with a grin on his face.

That sentence was enough to break Ayla in an instant, so that's what this was all about, she was just replacement for Victor's deceased mate. Not being able to stay here any longer, she removed her hand from him and ran away with 'excuse me' while he called her to stop her but she was already far away from hall.

"I could save her, but you stopped me. She could live. My first mate could live. Ulrich's mother could live! He could have childhood surrounded with both his parents, but you killed her. You didn't save her!" he yelled, but calmed down not so long good after "But that's un the past now, I have a mate now, and I love her, if nothing even more than Mira and if you just lie a finger on her I will kill you... Be sure of that!" and with that he left the hall while Ulrich that was near them could think just of his words and nothing else. He always thought Ouroboros killed his mother or left her and that's what helped to hate him more. But now he realized, he was wrong... So wrong.

Ayla ran in their room locking the doors and sliding down starting to cry. He never took interest in her in the first place, he was just looking for a replacement. She was just fulfilling what was missing in his life, that made her cry even harder. He said he is in love with her, was that just another lie to make her fall even harder for him, to trust him without any suspicions? He never thought of her as of someone to love in a first place, just of someone he could fúck and lose his worries. Was she really just that for him. What did she do to deserve that.

"Ayls..." a voice on the other side of door called for her "are you alright?"

"Go away!" she yelled sobbing making his heart ache. That bastard made her lose faith in him, she thought he was just using her.

"I can't leave you cry here alone, it's not nice for my image..." he said joking hoping to brighten her mood, but that made her cry even more. Realizing his mistake, he cursed silently and decided it would be best to tell her everything.

"You know, I only knew her barely three years... And that was period while she was pregnant. She was very sick since her birth and pregnancy was the only thing that kept her alive..." he started while she was hoping that he would stop already, he broke her enough "She was Ulrich's mother... And my mate, but she is dead now. I never talked about her, not even to my son you know and after her I forgot how to love... Until you came. Every little thing you did, all those unimportant things that occupied your happiness... I never even noticed I wanted to become one of them. Little by little I came to feel what I never thought I will... Love. You were never replacement, my love. You were my chance, my destiny, my mate and a choice I gladly made." he said when she answered.

"But if she never died, you would never be with me, so don't talk like that." she fought a sob back and he smiled.

"I'm not even sure about that nowadays... I love you more than anything, I may still have chosen you, after all..." and with that he stood up. She probably hates him and no matter how painful it was, he had to give her space.

Just as he took a step forward, he heard the door opening and Ayla with red and puffy eyes emerged who soon rushed forward hugging him.

No one said a single words, they both understood each other's feelings, silence speaks when words cannot after all.

So they just stayed like that, in each other's embrace... Until she fainted. Last thing she heard before darkness surrounded her was:

'Fúck, it've started!'

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