*Chapter 9: Dream

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- Sometimes we have to realize that although some people can stay in out hearts, they cannot afford to stay in our lives -





Yet another.

Just for how long has he been walking... he had long ago forgotten that. His legs were covered in blood, every step he made left a bloody footprint on the oddly grey grass beneath his foot. The colorless forest expanded to no end, there is only white fog all around him that his dull and lifeless eyes could see, but paid no attention to. he had lost will to live, he even didn't realize that the blood on his feet was his own.

He had walked for so long without an aim that his feet cracked and bleed.

Just a few shade ago, he was with his brother, both of them happy of what they did.

They killed HIM, the one that killed their parents and massacred their whole village. Then, they appeared, three creatures made of light, stating that he and his brother are now the new Guardians...

He felt different now.

This was not his own skin.

He was not this!

His naked body felt heavy, blood all around his body made him thirsty, but no matter how hungry he is, he can't run and find his food. He didn't even realize that what he thirsted for was not food... but blood.

A pair of black wings on his back is slowing him down, he couldn't move them so he only dragged them with his body. His eyes were dull, but he searched for anything alive around him.

Anything alive... that he could kill.

And then he stopped. He could no longer walk. His eyes were getting heavier and soon he found himself surrounded by darkness.

Last though of his before he lost consciousness was that he needed to kill.

Anything would be fine.

Anything, as long as it could sate his hunger.

May 23rd
Axis, The Dark Palace

VIKTOR OPENED his eyes only to realize that it was just a dream.

This was the second time he found himself falling asleep after meeting Ayla, he could not recall anymore when did he find time for those sleep things in the past. Old. He had grown incredibly old.He turned his head to look at Ayla, her belly was now much larger than it was before. He could notice her body that once brimmed with vitality look dry, almost like a skeleton. The more his child grew in her, the more she'll suffer. And eventually, she'll just cease to exist.

She won't listen to me...

He sighed, it was too late to make her change her mind now. Even if he were to cut her stomach open now and pull out the child from her womb, the kid had already become linked with her Kin, it will continue to feed on it even after. Until it's completely absorbed it and made it it's own .

She still wants it to live...

Viktor hugged his mate's little body that was sleeping on his arm even tighter and took a look at her belly, she's been sleeping more often now. Perhaps if she sleeps while the baby is getting born, her death will be painless.

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