Chapter 22: That which was missing

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- Sometimes, the things we were chasing after the most are just infront of our noses, but we get so focused on the fact that they are missing that we can't even see them standing right there -


March 23rd,
Axis, The White Castle

It was a horrible storm outside, the rain was falling so hard and the the thunders would hit on every five seconds shaking the ground. They would probably even wake up the dead ones...

Victor sighed burying his head in the pillow trying to somehow block those thunders, but it was useless. This fùcked-up weather wouldn't let him be at peace. He remembered that in the times like these, Ayla would aways whimper whenever a thunder would start roaring and snuggle closer into his chests. He's use that chance to take off his wings and cover her with them because, as she said, 'she felt protected under them, like no harm could ever come to her there'. And then, he'd focus solely on her calming heartbeat forgetting about the angry thunders outside. But she wasn't here now. He was all alone in this huge room, listening to that song thunders were playing being unable to sleep without knowing how his mate was. Was she hurt? Hungry? It's been months, so she's probably awaken and scared from not knowing where she was. He needed to find her. Even if that meant turning everything to dust, he needed to find her. His woman. His Ayla...

"Daddy, are you sleeping." he heard a voice of his son calling him. He rose his head from the pile of the pillows he used to bury his head in and glanced at his child's figure on the doorframe.

"Not really, can't sleep, huh?" he asked him and Ace nodded.

"I... I'm scared." he admitted with a blush, he thought how he must be looking weak in his father's eyes.

"Oh," Vic said, he picked something from Ayla after all "Come in, then." he invited him to his bed by rising the blankets and moving on the side. Ace hessistantly nodded before suddenly rushing inside as he heard another thunder. That was fast.

"It should be hard for you to maintain that form any longer," Vic said as he covered them "I'll fix that." he said before touching Ace's forehead and chanting 'Reversio anuma', and in a mere second, Ace turned into a baby with a little black pair of wings pooping out of his back.

"There, your real form." he said before he hugged him as Ace snuggled in the croak of his neck. In this form, he wasn't like before, he only had his instincts of a guardian recognizing Viktor as his father and safe person.

"Good night, my son." and with a yawn, he focused on the tiny, but fast heartbeat of his youngest son next to him...

After many dull and hollow months, Viktor woke from a refreshing sleep by the feeling of something bitting on his ear. Slowly opening his eyes and yawning, he heard a baby giggle, so he tilted his head aside to see a familiar baby with a brown hair and red eyes starring at him confused.

"Good morning to you, too." he chuckled before using the hand his son was sitting on to ruffle his short hair.

"Hungry?" he rose his eyebrow and the baby bit his palm Viktor was caressing Ace's nose with, as to confirm his question. Shaking his head at how this kid was exact replica of Ayla, he got up with a sigh, picking up Ace by his little black wings and headed towards the bathroom. And for all that time, Ace only giggled.

"Good morning, High.... Ness?" Hugo's greeting became confused as he saw a sleeping baby in his King's lap "What's that thing?" he asked and half of the hall they were in glanced at their way.

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