Chapter 30

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Chapter 30         

"Yes please, I wanna go home now, I'm tired." I lied. Kai hesitated but then nodded.

"Alright Miyuki, I'll take you home." He stated and scooped me into his arms.

"Can we please hurry?" I asked, Kai looked at me with confusion and sadness but then nodded and started running. My house wasn't very far away from the river we would reach it in a matter of seconds but before we did I could feel myself slipping out of consciousness. "Kai... I can see black spots everywhere is this what it feels like to die?" I asked.

"No Miyuki! You're not gonna die!" Kai shouted, his voice breaking as tears escaped his eyes.

"Kai... this might be goodbye." I whispered. Kai was really running quickly now.

"No! I won't let you die Miyuki! I've loved you for my whole life! I don't wanna lose you to some stupid curse! I can't have you die! My life will be meaningless if you die! Miyuki stay with me! Stay with me forever! Please Miyuki!" Kai shouted, I could hear the sadness in his voice and I could feel some of his tears falling onto my cheek.

"I'm so sorry Kai... I'm so sorry I was always selfish, I hope you will forgive me." I barely whispered, my voice was slowly failing me.

"No!" Kai screamed, he held that for a while and soon we were at my house.

"Kai what on earth is wrong?" my mother asked as my father peered out from behind the newspaper he had been reading, I only just saw what was going on but I felt incredibly weak.

"Miyuki... Miyuki's gonna die... you have to get her to a hospital.... You have to, please! You can't let her die she means too much to me!" Kai begged my parents.

"The doctors said they couldn't save her..." My father said sadly, I could only just hear his footsteps approaching myself and Kai.

"You mean there's nothing those bastards can do?" Kai exclaimed.

"I'm afraid not." My dad said. "Here Kai, let me take my daughter, come and visit tomorrow." My father added. I was forcing myself to stay awake and I could feel Kai grip onto me tighter.

"No." he said which kinda surprised me. "She might not even live til tomorrow!" Kai added.

"Please Kai..." I whispered, he looked down at me and hesitated but then passed me over to my parents.

"Thank you Kai." My mother said and then Kai rushed out in a hurry he probably didn't wanna cry in front of my parents anymore.

"C'mon Miyuki, it's time to rest." My father said as he carried me back to my room and gently placed me in bed.

"Please rest your body." My mother requested as I closed my eyes.

'It is time, the sun is setting it is time to find your place in the sky, it is time to leave everyone you care about behind head towards the light Miyuki Kimura.' The voice echoed through my mind. When I opened my eyes I found Yuna beside me. She looked at me with a closed eye smile.

"I'm sorry I acted like I forgot you at school.... I'm not sure what happened there." Yuna said, I glanced at her and gave her a sad smile; tears had formed in my eyes. "Miyuki.... why are you crying does it hurt?" Yuna asked and I nodded slightly.

"It doesn't hurt physically.... It hurts in here." I explained as I pointed to my heart. "It's time for me to leave everyone behind, I'm sorry I wasn't a better friend Yuna, I never wanted you and Haruki to worry about me, but please... take care of them all for me.... Especially Kai." I added as more tears escaped my eyes, I refused to look sad and continued to smile at Yuna just like she used to do to me.

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