Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

The scene refused to fade but I still chose to close my eyes I only heard the sobs from my child self and I could even feel tears coming to my eyes.

'This is what it means to be part of the Kimura clan, lots of people you love will be sacrificed and some people won't be as lucky as Kai.' A voice echoed through my mind, I shook my head refusing to believe it as the skies in my dream darkened and became cloudy, hiding the glow from the sunlight.

A figure then emerged from the darkness of the scene, I could only see its silhouette and it seemed like it had wings.

'This has happened before, to a girl just like you, everyone she loved died and she ended up dying as well, is that really what you want to happen?' the voice questioned.

'N-No I couldn't let that happen, I don't want that to happen, I never asked for this.' I stated through tears.

'You should have thought about others before your curiosity led you to discovering the truth.' The voice said darkly as more tears escaped my eyes as I fell to my knees trying to control my sobs. A younger version of Kai then appeared in front of me, he had blood dripping down the side of his head.

'The next time you wake up will be the time you disappear.' Young Kai said in an eerie tone.

I watched him as he smirked at me and then faded away, curling onto the now ice cold snow covered ground my tears fell towards the snow only, my tears weren't tears they were drops of blood, I watched as they stained the ground and then the pain arrived, the incredulous uncontrollable pain shooting through my wing slits in my back.

I screamed and my scream echoed in the woods that now surrounded me, it was night time and I could hear all kinds of noises but all I could do was scream as more tears escaped my eyes. It was so real although it wasn't at the same time and I continued to be trapped in the dream world.

When I opened my eyes it felt like I had escaped the dream but I hadn't I could feel someone shaking me and then once I looked up Kai pulled me towards him.

'Miyuki.... no.... you're slipping away.' Kai stated.

'How did you come?' I questioned weakly.

'I'm the opposite from an Angel, and I can enter certain dreams, they have to associate with a person from the Kimura clan though.' Kai explained as I slowly nodded.

'Aren't your kind supposed to make our last few days the worst they can possibly be?' I asked quietly.

'Yeah, but nobody of my kind has ever fallen in love with somebody of your kind.' Kai explained, I felt my face heat up slightly but ignored it and slowly climbed to my feet only to stumble and have Kai catch me.

'I really am weak aren't I Kai?" I questioned as I stared off into the distance, when Kai didn't reply I continued. 'If I hadn't gotten all jealous and let myself find the truth about my ancestors this all wouldn't have happened, everybody would be safe and happy.' I added.

Kai shook his head, 'This isn't your fault, I was selfish and I wasn't considering your feelings so if you believe it's your fault let me tell you it's a hell of a lot more my fault then it is yours.' Kai added as he looked down, I could tell by his posture that he felt guilty.

'It's alright Kai; none of this is your fault.' I replied with a weak closed eye smile. Kai glanced back over at me.

'Are you serious? This is all my fault, if I kept you close you wouldn't be dying.' Kai replied, he had tears in his eyes and he looked away probably feeling weak. 'If I kept you close and protected you like I did as a kid, you'd be safe and healthy and I wouldn't be slowly losing you.' Kai added as his voice wavered.

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