Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Good morning Miyuki, you look happy today." She replied. I quickly ate my food and nodded as I got to my feet, and grabbed my book bag, placing books in it. When I was finished I put my shoes on, said goodbye and headed outside.

Surprisingly Yuna, Haruki, Eri and Sora were all waiting for me I smiled at them and waved.

"Somebody's in a good mood, are you hiding something from us?" Yuna asked I gave her a smile.

"You'll see my surprise at school." I replied.

"I think I know what you're talking about." Yuna stated, I walked over to her grabbing her hands and looking up at her.

"Don't tell anyone I want it to be a surprised." I replied, Yuna nodded and smiled.

"I'm so glad your back to your old self Miyuki, smiling from the heart again and not hiding behind a wall of pain." Yuna said as she stroked one of my two pigtails. I smiled again and nodded, I was so excited I was almost running to school but decided to slow myself down by balancing on things.

"Yuna.... What's going on I've never seen her like this before." Haruki asked.

"Oh, you'll see." Yuna replied as we walked up the hill towards the high school and there he was, standing with his back towards us and holding his book bag over his shoulder with his other hand in his pocket. It was like he knew I was coming because as soon as I approached him he turned around and gave me the closed eye grin he used to always give me when we were kids.

"Hey Miyuki." Kai said in a soft, kind voice with a small smile as he opened his blue eyes. I felt tears coming to my eyes but I turned to the side and covered them.

"I'm not gonna cry, I promised myself I wouldn't when you were with me." I whispered. Yuna slung her arms around me giving me a friendly hug while Kai stared at me, almost with admiration.

"I thought you had grown up in the hospital but seeing you now I know you've grown up." Kai said as he walked towards me, dropped his book bag and for the first time in a long time he hugged me first and stroked my hair.

"This is sick..." I heard Haruki mutter rudely in the background but I ignored him.

"Wow, he's sorta cute..." Eri stated.

"Whaaa!?" Haruki exclaimed with confusion.

"Haruki no need to be disappointed because you're not the one being the womanizer for once." Sora stated with a smirk. I stepped away from Kai and then gave Haruki a hug.

"It's okay Haruki san, we all still love you but we've just got somebody else to love now too." I said. When I stepped away I noticed Haruki blushing and then he ran a hand through his hair awkwardly.

"We better go inside or else we'll be in trouble with the teachers." Yuna said. I nodded and then we all headed inside. Each of us took off our outdoor shoes, put them in a pigeon hole and then put on indoor shoes.

"Kai, you're in our class too, so just follow us." I said with a smile. Kai nodded and we all headed upstairs, sliding open the door to our classroom we all entered, the teacher smiled at us and paced a hand on Kai's shoulder.

"Now everyone we have a new student his name is Kai Hisakawa and he has just come out of a coma he had been in for ten years." Our teacher, Mr Fuma explained. Lots of people in the class gasped ooed and aahed.

"It's nice to be back outside, that hospital was really starting to annoy me." Kai stated and some of the students laughed.

"I hear you and Miyuki are close would you care to tell us a bit about that?" Mr Kawa asked.

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