Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Nah, you're too small to pull me down with you." Kai said. I nodded, taking a deep breath I approached the ladder and began to climb up it, one of the pieces of wood my foot was on broke away and I pressed myself closer to the tree trunk closing my eyes and gripping the pieces of wood my hands were holding onto tightly.

"I can't do it." I whispered. I then looked up at Kai and he looked surprised as if he were remembering something.

"I remember, you were always scared of heights weren't you Miyuki? you never used to climb up here I was always helping you and eventually I helped you overcome your fear but after I went into that coma that fear must have resurfaced." Kai said looking sad, I was surprised her could remember that and it made me happy, I gave him a closed eye smile, blushing and nodding once. "Here, give me your hands." Kai said, reaching for them, he was lying on his stomach on the platform now. I hesitated but he moved his fingers in the motion for come. "It's okay, I won't drop you I promise." Kai assured me.

"Mmm." I said unsure but eventually I decided to listen, giving Kai one of my hands at a time he grabbed onto my wrists and heaved me up causing me to land on top of him, I blushed and quickly moved off of him.

"Uh, thank you." I replied, looking away and pressing my finger underneath my lip.

"It's alright Miyuki." Kai said with a smile. He got to his feet and then helped me up and opened the door to our tree house, both of our eyes widened when we saw how dusty it was and how many of our things remained.

"K-Kai, remember this?" I asked pointing to a drawing we had done together, it was of me and him holding hands and smiling.

"I don't..." Kai began quietly but trailed off, he had that expression that told me he was seriously thinking about something. "Wait... I do remember, I suggested we draw that when you were sad one day after your father had...." Kai continued quietly but didn't wanna say the word.

"Died?" I offered.

"Uh... yeah, you were crying and I found you sitting in the corner of this tree house holding your knees and facing the wall, your dad built this for us with the help of my dad." Kai replied. I nodded, a smile spreading across my face. "But then both my parents had a divorce, although, that was before your father died I remember how you tried to comfort me that day you felt you owed it to me for always looking after you." Kai finished.

"Kai, you're remembering." I said quietly with a smile.

"I also remember something else." Kai said quiet enough for me to just be able to hear him.

"What's tha-"I began but didn't finish Kai placed his hand under my chin and tilted my head backwards, I felt my face heat up and then he kissed me.

When Kai pulled away he gave me a small grin and dropped his hand, causing me to stumble backwards I then fell and covered my mouth blushing.

"I remember how I was in love with the girl I always wanted to protect, and that girl was you Miyuki." Kai explained.

This was awful if Haruki hadn't kissed me that would have been my first kiss! I was saving it for Kai but nooo Haruki had to steal it but wait... what was I saying? It wasn't Haruki's fault, Haruki was all alone in life with nobody other than his friends and here I was mentally yelling at him. Then I remembered the current situation I was in and quickly got to my feet.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you Miyuki, you know, when I went in that coma and all." Kai apologised. I shook my head with a smile as I got to my feet and dusted off the skirt of my white dress.

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