Chapter 42

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Tobias and Darien retrieved their weapons and took their places, waiting for the current fight to finish. The roar of the crowd, as usual, told them it was finished and the outcome was to their liking. After Gavius gave his usual introduction, the two friends made their way into the Arena, accepting the cheers from the crowd. Tobias caught sight of Wen and Jelina standing side by side in Reilen's box. He immediately knew something was amiss when he saw the look of distress on Wen's face and the way she was grasping Jelina's hand. Usually, she had the look of one in love. Even Jelina's stance was an anxious one. A stance he couldn't remember ever seeing her in. He kept all this to himself, not wishing to alarm Darien.

"Now for a true challenge for our champions!" Gavius said. The crowd roared with delight. "A man whose very name sends fear into the heart of the bravest man. A man undefeated in the many battles he's fought in the Arena. From the barbarian tribes of the north, I give you The Savage of the Glaciem. I give you Wulfgar!"

Darien let loose an elven curse as the giant of a man stepped into the Arena.

"Elohim," Tobias breathed.

Now he understood Wen's distress and Jelina's anxiousness. Wulfgar was indeed undefeated, his victories easily won in a river of blood. He looked back up at Wen and Jelina. Wen looked like she was on the verge of tears. He had to win and survive for her. She'd come knowing the usual outcome of a fight with Wulfgar. He didn't want her to have to witness his grisly death. Jelina gave him a quick nod. Only Tobias knew she was encouraging him to win this fight. He also knew he needed to keep Darien from being hurt too badly. He knew she was counting on him and doubted she'd ever forgive him if Darien died. He looked back at the barbarian. Wulfgar once had bright blond hair. Now it was snowy white. Scars covered his body from all the attempts on his life. He wielded a massive axe.

"Any ideas?" Darien asked.

"You defend and I'll attack?"

"Because I have the shield?"

"No, because Wulfgar will be child's play compared to your sister if I allow him to kill you."

Wulfgar attacked.

Jelina couldn't feel her fingers due to Wen squeezing them so tightly. But she barely noticed. She was intent on the fight. And her brother. She was struggling to stay in character. She struggled to keep from flinching each time the axe passed close to him or connected with his shield. Wen did flinch when the axe came close to Tobias. Jelina wanted badly to use her magic to aid them but knew that the crowd would notice if Wulfgar's blows suddenly stopped landing or coming near his opponents. She felt helpless, something she hadn't felt in many years.

Wulfgar landed a massive blow on Darien's shield. He felt the force throughout his entire body and himself pushed back a pace. Tobias used the distraction to add to the barbarian's scars. Wulfgar spun around and grabbed Tobias by his throat. The Ranger dropped his swords as he was lifted into the air. Darien barreled into Wulfgar with his shield. It was like running into a mountain. He only bounced off him. Tobias was struggling to breathe, his hands futilely trying to pry Wulfgar's away and his eyes beginning to unfocus. Darien stabbed him through the back. Wulfgar bellowed in pain and dropped Tobias. Darien quickly retreated backward, shield up and sword ready to defend. He hoped he'd given his friend enough time to recover and come and save his arse again.

Tobias coughed and gasped for precious air, cursing his stupidity. He grabbed his lost swords and climbed to his feet. He ran towards them. Another massive blow from Wulfgar's axe shattered Darien's shield. Tobias' blades cut through the small of Wulfgar's back. The barbarian bellowed and spun around. Tobias was quick enough to avoid his head from flying across the Arena but not enough to avoid the axe completely. It cut deep into his thigh and he went down. The Ranger cried out, his blood spilling from the wound. The crowd gasped and he willed himself not to look towards Wen and Jelina, but to keep his attention on Wulfgar.

"Tobias!" Darien gave a running leap at Wulfgar's back as he raised his axe to finish Tobias.

The sword passed through the left side of his chest. The next moment, the axe left a deep gash on the elf's chest. Darien cried out but ignored the pain. Wulfgar stumbled, his mind seemingly registering finally that he'd been given a fatal wound. Darien used that to his advantage and left a gaping wound across his throat. The Savage of the Glaciem fell, finally defeated. Darien stumbled backward as the crowd fell silent, stunned that Wulfgar was dead. He was gasping in pain as he reached his free hand towards his wound. Tobias painfully regained his feet, the wound on his thigh throbbing in protest. He couldn't believe they'd won and that Darien had killed the bastard. The crowd went wild. Then Darien dropped his sword and fell to his knees.


Jelina moved quickly through the crowd towards where the fighters would be, fighting the panic threatening to escape. Ainnileas managed to keep up with her while Dante struggled to. She slipped past several nobles and right up to the bars separating them from the slaves.

"Back away, Tobias," Gavius was saying.

"Are you going to do nothing!? You can't let him die!"

"He should have died in the Arena. You dishonored him and Marcus by bringing him here."

"Dishonor? You dishonor him by letting him die!"

"You forget your place, slave," Marcus said.

"You have to save him!"

"I don't have to do anything. Remove him." Two guards went towards Tobias.

The Ranger lost it.


Reilen strode after his daughters. As soon as the fight had ended, Denae had dashed away, her bodyguard a step behind. Maethor and Hathel had run after them. Wen was relieved that Tobias had survived but both she and Acale were just as surprised as he at Denae's sudden departure. They followed after them and Reilen followed them. When they arrived, Tobias was being subdued by four guards, one having to resort to his whip around Tobias' throat. Before they dragged him away, Reilen saw the look in his eyes.

Help him. they said.

"Marcus." Maethor saw the look as well.

"Ah, Maethor. I'm afraid this isn't the best time to speak. I fear the fight is robbing me of one of my best fighters and I apologize on behalf of Tobias. He spoke out of turn and I fear his emotions cloud his sense."

Reilen saw Darien lain on a table, the healers being prevented from administering to the elf. He could tell he was dying. He turned his head and seemed to lock eyes with Denae as her father and Marcus spoke. Blood covered his chest and trickled from the corner of his mouth as he struggled to breathe.

"But did he speak truth? Are you planning on doing nothing?"

Marcus sighed. "Darien took a deep wound to the chest. I'm not sure there is a way to save him. He is an Arena slave after all."

Denae suddenly turned and looked at her father. If Reilen hadn't known better, it was as if they had a brief, wordless conversation.

"And if I offer to purchase him?"

Reilen blinked, not quite believing what he'd just heard.

Gavius joined them. "He isn't worth much now. I don't think he'll be a wise investment. Especially if he dies from his wound."


Reilen couldn't believe that Maethor was bargaining with Gavius to buy a nearly dead and barely conscious slave just to save him. It spoke volumes of his character and earned him all of Reilen's respect.

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