And Then Another

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Super special thanks to @20croberts for the amazing poem making an appearance in this chapter!! Love you and keep on writing!!

It felt kinda like a fairytale after that. With Charlie and Sam back and stronger than ever, things started falling into place again.

College started soon after my slight breakdown over Charlie. I still didn't know what I wanted to do with the rest of my life so I was knocking out my basics and praying for guidance. Sam and Colby went on a small tour but had a world one in the plans for the next summer. My videos were gaining views and I was gaining followers. It wasn't drastic like the boys but it let me know that people out there had heard my story and liked it enough once that they wanted to hear more.

Before we knew it, I was 19, Charlie still 18, (HA! Suck it.) and the boys 20. Spring Break snuck up on us. We hadn't seen each other as much as usual and I didn't know about them, but I was having minor separation anxiety. So for this break, we wanted to do something big.

Australia. Australia's big, right?

The others seemed to think so because they agreed.

Ideas were brainstormed and plans were made. Soon enough, we had a week full of adventures set for the great Down Under.

"You think MamaKay and Granddaddy would be up for letting us all stay with them in the beach house?" Sam asked me while we were all seated around my room.

Charlie and I were sitting criss crossed on my bed in our apartment while Sam sprawled across the floor and Colby spun around in my desk chair.

"Yeah, I'm sure they'd love that." I glanced down at my wrist as if to check my watch and realized that one, I didn't own a watch and two, I wouldn't have been able to see it anyway. "What time is it?" I questioned anybody.

"Four twenty. Why?" Charlie answered.

"Let me call my grandparents and talk this over with them and then we can get out of here and go do something."

"Have fun." She saluted as I left the room, Trigger trailing close behind me.

I told my phone to call my grandmother and fiddled around the kitchen while I waited for her to answer.


"Hey, MaKay. It's me."

"Oh look, somebody finally decided to call their grandmother. The woman who has done so much for you for so little in return. Glad you could sacrifice a call once a while." I could hear the smile and sarcasm practically dripping from her statement which pulled a small laugh from me.

"Yeah, yeah. You know I love you."

"Yes I do. So to what do I owe the honor of this conversation?"

"I was wondering what you and Granddaddy were doing for Spring Break?"

At the time, I didn't read into the short pause before she spoke. "Nothing yet. Why? What did you have in mind?"

"The gang and I wanted to take a trip to Australia..." Half of me was nervous that she would turn me down and call me crazy.

"Okay, sure. That sounds fun."

"Really?!" I asked, freezing in place after having been pacing around. "That's great! So you and Granddaddy will be there to--"

"I don't think your grandfather and I will be able to make it."


Again, she paused and cleared her throat. "We have a week left for the convention in Washington."

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