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Much to Colby's happiness-- he said it was actually Sam who had missed me so much-- I had caught my plane on time and made it home on Christmas Eve.

Sam, Colby, and Charlie had ridden back to my house after they met us at the airport so we could spend one last day together before Charlie left for Louisiana. We stayed holed up in my room while I unpacked and they watched movies.

It was nice not to have to be stressed about school or track.

"Guys," Charlie said at one point. "We are about to enter our last semester of high school."

The boys cheered excitedly. "I've been waiting my whole life for this. I can't wait to get out of this town." Colby said.

"Why?" I asked. I didn't see a problem with our little town. When he shrugged and didn't answer, I went on. "Where would you go?"

"Sam and I are planning on paying for an apartment in L.A."

"Why?" Charlie questioned.

"It'll be easier to do shows and meet fans. That's where our agents live, too." Sam piped in.

"Oh yeah, I keep forgetting you guys are famous." I said.

"Guys, look. It's snowing!" Charlie exclaimed before leaping from the bed and running to my doors.

The other three of us swarmed in next to her.

"I don't know what kind of snow you've experienced, but this is nothing. There's like, three snowflakes." Colby said, deflated.

"At least it's something." I said. "I've never had a white Christmas before."

All six eyes turned to me.

"You've what?" Sam asked in disbelief.

"I've never seen snow on Christmas day? I've barely even seen snow period."

"That's awful!" Charlie screeched.

"You're forgetting I lived in California. The only time I saw snow was if we came here on the right day."

"Well your childhood must have been torture." Colby said before returning to the bed.

"Hey! I think I turned out okay." I looked between the three of them, hoping for someone to agree.

They didn't.

"Seriously?! Am I that awful?"

"No, no." Charlie said, walking up to me with mock sympathy. "You're beautiful, just... special, is all." She winked and broke character, laughing.

I pushed her but couldn't help laughing along.

"Just wait 'till January. You'll wish snow and cold never existed." Colby commented.

"You're probably right. I hate the cold."

"Well I LOVE it!" Charlie said, dancing around my room. "Winter is my favorite season! The lights, the songs, the food."

I'm not sure if you guys are aware, but Charlie's a wee bit dramatic. But for us, I wasn't a surprise when she asked-- no, told-- Sam to dance with her.

Sam's a great friend and so he obliged happily. After a while though, the conversation I was having with Colby came to a halt when we noticed the other two getting serious.

"Hey... guys? We're still here." Colby's deep voice teased.

The two blonds shook themselves from their intimate moment and backed away, resuming our previous conversations.

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