It's Going to Be Oka--

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They said she drove too fast. It was raining and the roads were slippery and she was angry.

It was my fault.

She was so enraged that she lost control and flipped four times into a ditch.

They said she shattered her ribs and severely bruised everything else.

She was ment to die and I engendered it. If I wouldn't have been so selfish... I'd still have my anchor.

One week later

"Guys, I swear, I'm fine." Charlie tried to assure us. She was laying in her bed in our apartment with flowers and balloons surrounding her. Sam, Colby, and I were trying to fluff up her pillows and get her more blankets when she needed them, bring her food and drinks, and be at her disposal but she was an independent girl and didn't want help. The problem was, she had a set of broken ribs and a seriously damaged leg and couldn't exactly do much.

Her parents had come to California the day of her accident and almost got arrested at the hospital for forcing their way into the room the doctors had her in. Although, I understand seeing as how they're doctors as well. Very good ones at that who probably thought they could do a much better job taking care of their daughter than the other people could.

I received the call around eight that night. They said they couldn't find her ID in the accident but contacted the last few people she had called on her cell phone.

It was me.

She called me.

Maybe if I'd have just answered, it could have bought her a few more minutes and the conditions she was driving in and her attitude could have been different and I would still have her.

"Accident?" I had asked.

"Yes. May I ask how you are in relation to our Jane Doe?"

Just like when I woke up that first morning and could see nothing, I was becoming enraged at this man who wouldn't answer my questions.

"Her name is Charlie Brown and she's my sister. Now what happened?" I pressed, raising my voice to just below a shout.

"Ma'am, this is no joking matter." He said, still avoiding my question.

I groaned and banged my hand on the nearest wall. Of course they had to name her after a cartoon character. "I'm aware! I want to know what happened to my freaking best friend!"

"But you said she was your sister."

Is he trying to turn me into the Hulk?!

"Where is she?! I'm coming."

I remember snatching up Trigger and taking off out of the house in mid call. For my frustrated and terrified self, Colby wasn't answering fast enough.

Pick up, pick up, pick up! I begged.

Finally, as I sprinted down the sidewalks, weaving through people, his voice rang through the phone way too chipper like for me.

"Hey babe--"

"Colby! Come pick me up! I'll meet you half way but you have to hurry!" I shouted, breathing heavily from running and from fear.

"What? What do you mean--"

"Just come on! It's Charlie!"

At this point, a few tears were slipping from my eyes without me knowing. I had practically already made it to Sam and Colby's house by the time he pulled up next to me on the curb.

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