Moving Forward

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I had a big problem. One that I couldn't face on my own. When I have one of these, I do the only thing I know how to do-- turn to Colby.

So the next day, I called him before lunch and asked what he was doing the rest of the day.

"Packing. Why?"

I took a deep breath. "I'm taking you on a date."

I heard the previous noise in the background cease. "A date?"




He was silent for a moment like he was thinking it over. "Okay, where at?"

"It's a surprise."

"Okaaaay... where and when do I need to meet you? What do I need to wear?"

"Just shorts and t-shirt-- or, skinny jeans and a t-shirt.... Whatever's comfortable. And don't worry about meeting me anywhere. I'll have my driver come pick you up at 6."

"Your driver?" He asked with a snicker.

"Yes sir."

He laughed and sighed. "Alright. See you at 6 then. I love you."

"I love you too, Colby."

After that, I called Charlie and had her help me set everything up. For the rest of the day, I sent Colby little text messages that kept him in suspense.

You're going to love it.

I'm taking you to the most romantic place in the world.

Which he responded with:

I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt to the most romantic place in the world? Oh, brother.

Finally, the time arrived and Charlie came to pick me up, dropping me at the destination and leaving to pick up my date.

Really would be nice to be able to drive right now.

For a few minutes, I waited at the gate patiently and excitedly. But after I had enough time to think about this date, I began to reconsider everything. Pacing across the hard concrete, I kept my eyes low and tried to push down the panic.

What if he didn't like it?

What if I did something wrong?

I pressed the voice button installed specially on my phone and listened to the time, realizing they should already have been here.

What if he didn't want to come?!

My fears were extinguished, however, when I heard wheels slowly coming to a stop on the loose gravel. I jerked my head up to see Charlie's sleek white car a few yards from me. Both doors opened to reveal two of my very best friends.

The smile that danced across my lips could not be helped as I watched Colby emerge and look around with an amused and happy grin.

Glancing at Charlie, I found her waving goodbye to me. "See ya later, Jax. Have fun and don't you dare try anything." She said, giving Colby a daunting glare.

Nervously, he saluted her and I waved as she returned to her vehicle and drove away.

When I turned back to my boyfriend with a smile, I took in his features for the first time that night. He wore casual clothes, like I told him, but still managed to look unbelievably sexy. The brown headed boy wore a plain white tee-- which probably wasn't the best for the place we were at-- and a pair of tight, black skinny jeans. On his big feet were a pair of blue Vans.

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